Chapter 7

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Riley glanced at Ryan's dark form as River drove. The occasional street light cast an eerie glow through the car and she shuddered. "I'm sorry." She said softly as guilt over what had happened flooded through her.

"It's okay." Wyatt whispered and reached over to find her hand, squeezing it gently. "We'll find a hotel for the night and figure it out. It's going to be okay."

She appreciated his words as much as his touch and felt herself start to relax a little. Looking over at him, she smiled and nodded.

"Guys, I say we pull in here for tonight." River put his blinker on and turned into the almost empty parking lot of the Embassy Suites. "I'll get us a room." He said as he pulled under the awning and put the car in park. "I'll be right back."

Riley leaned forward and watched him disappear into the building.

A streak of white hot lightning lit up the sky and thunder sounded immediately after. She jumped at the sound and unconsciously moved closer to Wyatt.

"Looks like we're in for a storm." Ryan's tired voice drifted back from the front seat, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"How are you feeling?" Wyatt asked as he shifted in his seat.

"Like I got ran over by a fucking semi." Ryan sighed. "And then trampled by a dozen horses."


Riley smiled a little as Wyatt tried to lighten the mood.


"There's a Walgreens across the street. I can go get some aspirin for you...." Riley said, her hand going to the door handle.

"No." Ryan said immediately. "It's fine. I just need to sleep."

The lobby doors opened and River hurried around the front of the car and got inside. "We're on the top floor." He said as he drove around to the side and parked. 

"I'll get the bags. You two help Ryan." Wyatt said as he climbed out and walked around to the trunk. Grabbing the four bags, he followed them into the hotel and to the elevator. 

A few minutes later, they were inside their room. Ryan sat down on the bed and kicked off his shoes. Riley pulled back the comforter for him and pushed the pillows to the side. She patted the mattress and helped Ryan slide under the sheets. 

River and Wyatt sat at the small table in the corner and watched as Riley turned off the overhead light. 

"I'm going to go to the vending machine I saw a few doors down. They've got ice and some snacks. Do you guys want anything?" Wyatt whispered and nodded as they shook their heads. 

"He's going to be okay." River said as he reached over the table and squeezed his sister's hand gently. "We'll all get some sleep and figure it out in the morning."

She nodded and looked to see Wyatt return with a few bags of chips and some bottled waters. "I'm going to try to sleep." She looked at both double beds. "I can sleep with Ryan." Picking up her backpack, she carried it into the bathroom and got ready for bed. 


The room was dark and hot as she walked in, her eyes slowly adjusting to the shadows. She saw the figure of someone standing in the corner and swallowed. "Who's there?" She whispered and saw the figure move. It was in front of her immediately and she fought the urge to scream at the suddenness of the appearance. She blinked and raised a hand slowly as if moving underwater. Her fingertips touched the solid form and she withdrew them quickly. 


The whisper chilled her instantly. Her hand closed around something heavy and steel and she frowned as she realized it was a flashlight. 'Where did that come from?' She thought as she raised the small light and turned it on to see the room empty. Turning in a circle, she swept the room slowly with the light. 

" me....." 

The whispered words had her gasping and spinning to shine the light around the empty room once again. She heard noises close and swallowed at the realization as she lifted the flashlight to the ceiling. A black figure was crouched in the corner of the room above her and as the light illuminated it, a low cat-like screeching sounded in the room. Her hand shook as she watched the figure scurry closer to her until it was hanging upside down in front of her face. The blackness shifted and her eyes widened. Ryan's face formed and stared blankly at her from orbs of black where his normally blue eyes should have been. 

" did this....." The words were distorted with Ryan's voice and something inhuman. " killed me......."  

Riley woke suddenly. Her eyes flew open as she felt the end of her dream fading. Her heart pounded in her chest and she exhaled slowly as she tried to calm herself. Turning her head on her pillow, she found the opposite side of the bed empty. She sat up slowly and saw Ryan standing at the end of River and Wyatt's bed. 

"Ryan?" She whispered. "How's your head? Can you not sleep?" When he didn't move, she slid out from the covers. "What's wrong?"

Ryan's eyes were closed, his lids twitching. 

"Ryan?" She repeated and stepped closer, her hand reaching out to touch his arm. His skin felt cold to the touch and she wrapped her fingers around his forearm.

 Ryan jumped, his eyes flying open. He blinked a few times and pulled away from his sister as if she had burned him. "Riley?" 

"Are you okay?" She asked as she watched him withdraw from her, his arms folding around his chest. "I think you were sleepwalking."

He shook his head and opened his mouth to say something but then closed it. 

"How's your headache?" She tried again and watched as her brother slowly raised his eyes to meet hers. "Ryan?"

" me." He whispered. 

Chills ran down her spine as she recalled the words spoken in her dream a few minutes before. 

"I think I might hurt you." 

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