Chapter 8

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"I think.....Riv.....wake up." Ryan said, stepping forward and hitting the bed with his knee. He kept his eyes on Riley. "River." He hit the bed again.

"River.....Wyatt....wake up." Riley shook her brother's shoulder and then Wyatt's. "Guys....."

"Hmmm?" River groaned as he stirred.

"River, get up. I need you to get up now." Ryan's serious tone had River moving to sit up.

"What's going on?" He asked sleepily and rubbed his eyes. He reached over and shook Wyatt awake, turning the bedside light on.

"I need you to go." Ryan said quietly.

"Go? What do you mean? Go where? What's going on?" River frowned as he looked at Riley and then Ryan.

"Please......take Riley and go. I need you guys out of here." Ryan tightened his arms around himself.

"No, we aren't leaving you." Riley took a step closer to Ryan who took two steps back.

"Please." He shook his head. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt......what the fuck is going on?" River asked and glanced over to Wyatt.

"Tell us what's going on, Ryan." Wyatt asked softly.

"River. River, listen to me. I'm really getting angry right now and I think you need to take Riley and go." Ryan pleaded with his twin. "Please. Listen to me."

Wyatt nodded and stood. "Riley, get dressed and get your stuff." He watched as the girl grabbed her backpack and hurried to the bathroom. When the door closed, he spoke again. "Tell us what's going on."

"I'm going to hurt her." Ryan whispered softly. "I had a dream that I was strangling her. I woke up so pissed off at her. Please, get her away from me."

"Okay, we're going to go." Wyatt said, his hands up in front of him.

"I'm not leaving you here by yourself." River argued.

"God damn it, Riv." Ryan hissed angrily.

"No, Ryan." He shook his head. "Fuck that. If something is making you angry enough to want to hurt her, I'm not leaving you here alone."

"Look.....let's calm down. Let's go down to the car. I've got some sage and we can try that." Wyatt tried.

Ryan shook his head, his fist clenching before dropping them to his side. "Leave me alone!"

Riley's eyes were wide as she paused in the doorway to the bathroom.

"Let's go, guys." Wyatt said as he moved to get his backpack and shoes. 

River hesitated, his eyes moving between Riley and Ryan.

Wyatt nodded as he saw his struggle. "I've got Riley." He said softly and turned, his hand on Riley's back as he led her toward the door. "Take care of Ryan. Call if you need us."

River nodded as the door closed. He turned his attention to his twin.

Ryan relaxed a little with Riley out of sight, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He felt the anger start to ease. "I want to hurt her." He said again.

"Why? What happened?" River asked again.

"The bathroom." Ryan started. "At the house. Right before I passed out....something was in the mirror. I saw it. I think it attached to me."


Ryan nodded. "The images in my's got to be him. I can't be around her. Not until this thing is gone."

"Okay. I'll call Wyatt know what's going on. And then call Jessie and let her know that we need her to help us with this."

"They should be safe at the house. I think Kevin stopped this from being worse."

"We heard Kevin over the the spirit box when we found you."

"Yeah, Billy.....or whoever this a lot stronger than Kevin."  Ryan looked down at his hands. "You should go too. I'll have Jess meet me here. She can get rid of this thing and I'll be home after."

"No." River watched his brother. "No, Ry. That's not happening. I'm not leaving you here by yourself. You don't know what this thing can do. And if you're alone who knows what it'll make you do. No, I'm not leaving you alone. I trust Wyatt to take care of Riley. Now don't ask me again."

"Fine." Ryan replied, his voice sounding tired. 

"How are you feeling now?"

"My head hurts and I'm just feeling.....drained. I don't want to sleep. I don't want that shit in my head." 

River nodded as he watched Ryan settle against the headboard as they waited for the sun to rise.


"Got it." Wyatt said as he pulled into the driveway. "We're home. Let us know what's going on." He said and hit END on the phone. He glanced over to the passenger's seat at Riley. "'s going to be okay." 

She looked at the dark house in front of them. "This is all my fault."

"No, it's not." Wyatt objected. "This isn't your fault at all. It happened. If anything, it's on us since we brought you with us to the cabin. But no one could've known this would happen. It's going to be okay. River is going to call Jessie as soon as it's morning and she'll take care of it. She helped me after Middlegate. He's going to be fine."

Riley looked over at Wyatt and nodded. "I hope you're right." She said as they got out of the car and went inside.

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