Chapter 10

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Ryan heard Jessie's soft voice as she moved around him. He tried to focus on keeping calm and controlling his breathing. Flashes of color swirled behind his closed eyelids and he felt her occasional cool touch on his warm skin. His body twitched and burned as he felt something touch his forehead lightly.


Jessie came into the room and saw River sitting at the small kitchen table, his head in his hands. "Are you okay?" She asked softly as she replaced his empty water bottle with a new one.

"How is he?"

"Sleeping. I think it's gone. He feel lighter. He should sleep for a few hours at least."

River nodded. "Thank you."

"Of course. You guys need to protect yourself better."

He sighed. "We took Riley, our sister, to an investigation. We think she brought it home and it attached to Ryan when he wasn't protected."

"I'll give you some things when you leave for your house. And something for your sister too." She pulled out a chair and sat down. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired but I'm fine." He assured the woman. "Thanks again for doing this. I appreciate you doing this on short notice."

"Something tells me you should keep me on speed dial." She smiled as he laughed softly.


Wyatt opened the door, smiling as he saw his friends. "How are you feeling?" He asked Ryan who hugged him as he passed.

"Better. Much better. Glad to be home."

River followed behind his brother, setting their bags on the floor by the door. "Jess gave us some stuff for the house." He handed the small bag to Wyatt who took it and nodded.

"Where's Riley?" Ryan asked.

"Here." She called from the stairwell. "Are you okay? Can I come see you?"

Ryan's heart broke at how hesitant she sounded. "Yeah, I'm good." He smiled as he heard her footsteps run down the stairs and he held out his arms as she rushed into them. He tightened his arms around her and felt her squeezing him back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to push you away but..."

"I'm sorry. I should've never....." She started at the same time.

"No, it's...."

"No, it was....."

Wyatt laughed and shook his head. "Okay, you two. I thought it as bad enough when Ryan and River did it." He put his hand on Ryan's back.

Riley let her brother go. "I'm glad you're home." She turned to River and hugged him. 

"I think I'm going to go lay down for a few." Ryan saw the others start to say something. "Don't worry. I'm fine. I just need to sleep in my own bed. I'm good, guys. I promise."

They watched him walk towards his room and shut the door.

"Jess is going to stop by sometime tomorrow and check on things. She gave us some stuff to cleanse the house and something for you." River looked at Riley. "We didn't think about protection for you at the cabin and she said that's how this probably happened. From here on out, we need to make sure we stay aware of what's going on with us. If you guys start to feel weird, let us all know."

Wyatt and Riley both nodded in agreement. 

Over the next few days, Jessie stopped by the house to check in on the group. After smudging the house and making sure Ryan was cleansed, she made sure each of them had protection and made them promise to keep it on especially during their investigations.

"Thanks  again for the help." Ryan said as he walked Jessie towards the front door. "We appreciate it."

"Just don't need me so much." She teased and waved at them as she walked out the door.

Riley watched the woman drive off and closed the door behind her.

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