chapter six

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Chapter 6: K.O by Smile, Heart-Eyes, and Coffee!

Jeongin didn't think he'd find himself this confused and yet, here he was. It was his first time at SKZ Modeling Company and he had no idea where he needed to be. Seungmin had to step away from the receptionists desk to help Chan with an emergency, but that's all Jeongin knew. He hoped everything was okay, but he still wasn't sure where to go and had to wait until Seungmin returned.

"Well, fancy meeting you here."

Jeongin was startled by the sudden voice, but turning around he was happy to see Changbin smiling at him. "Oh! Hi! It's Changbin right?" Jeongin was surprised that the older was shorter than him, but he found it quite endearing. Did I just think that Changbin is endearing? I mean, he is, but .. Jeongin was so lost in thought he almost didn't hear Changbin speaking to him again. "I'm surprised you remember my name, I.N. What brings you to SKZ?"

Jeongin shyly rubbed the back of his neck, "How could I not remember?" he mumbled, "Ah, but to answer your question, I'm here to sit in on Hyunjin's photoshoot to see if I want to try modeling for SKZ. I-I'm a tad lost though, if I'm honest." Changbin nodded, "Well, I could find out which studio he's in and take you there, if you'd like? What time is the photoshoot?" Changbin offered and Jeongin graciously accepted the help. Changbin then told him to wait there for a moment while he went to check in the staff room.

Seungmin returned after a moment or two, rushing to help Jeongin, but when Jeongin mentioned that Changbin offered to help him, Seungmin gave him a knowing smirk. "What's that look for, huh?" Jeongin asked, crossing his arms. "Oh nothing!~" Seungmin answered, but before Jeongin could respond, Changbin returned. "Okay! You're gonna be in studio five, I'll take you there now- Oh, hey Seungmin, where have you been?" Changbin asked, Seungmin waved him away.

"No worries, just had to help Chan with something. Get Innie here to studio five, you have ten minutes before the shoot starts!" Changbin wanted to ask more questions, but figured he'd just ask Chan about it later. "Alrighty, well c'mon, he's right, you have ten minutes!" Changbin then led Jeongin to studio five, where he was instantly greeted by other behind the scenes crew and eventually Minho.

"Hi there, I.N. It's good to finally meet you, as you know I am Lee know, if you have any questions while you're sitting in, don't hesitate to ask." Jeongin was honestly shocked at Minho's professional attitude, having gotten to know him in a different setting was something else. "Thank you, that's very kind of you. Where do you want me to sit?" Jeongin said, after shaking the others hand. Minho thought for a moment before gesturing to a long bench with a plaque above saying: Design Team and/or Guests. "You can sit there. We only have three stylists on hand today so they won't take up the whole bench."

Jeongin nodded and thanked Minho before taking a seat. The atmosphere of the studio was lovely, with a large sky window above the main stage area, giving natural lighting from the bright January sun. There was also a tarp rolled up to one side of it, to cover when the natural lighting is unnecessary. The backdrop for the shoot today was a warm orange color and the lighting was mostly from the sky light above. The orange was very welcoming in itself to Jeongin, but what was more sweet was when Changbin came out of nowhere to help Minho do some test shots.

Jeongin found himself admiring him, wondering if Changbin had ever modeled before. Changbin had soft looking black hair and even though he was making silly faces that made people observing laugh, Jeongin noticed the soft dimples and a smile made of sugar. Not to mention, Changbin was very muscular and Jeongin wondered if he could pick him up with ease. Jeongin shook the idea from his head, blushing profusely.

Changbin's eyes then met with Jeongin's and the amount of warmth behind the smile he'd flashed him, felt like a K.O. to Jeongin. Was a man legally allowed to be so beautiful? Minho noticed the look in Changbin's eyes and made a cheeky mental note to tease the other about it later. "Okay, Changbin that should be good and just so you know, I will be keeping these as blackmail material." Minho spoke up, gaining Changbin's attention again.

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