chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13: The Disrespect in This IHOP RN

skz gay kids

han_nie_: okay
han_nie_: i just got out of classes for the day and i NEED to know some context for these google searches man 😭

i.n._: ive been thinking about it too!

felix_cious_: what shall we discuss first?? 👀

hwa.hyunjin_: i am specifically really interested in your searches, hannie

_leeknow: just tuning in, i agree
_leeknow: theres a lot going on up in that brain, huh?

han_nie_: PFFTBTJ
han_nie_: guys i really like learning stuff
han_nie_: or maybe i have undiagnosed neuro-spicy magic goin on up here
han_nie_: either way, i have a LOT of special interests

i.n._: i get that way too! i have so many special interests that sometimes they just get all crammed up!

han_nie_: EXACTLY
han_nie_: and as soon as someone mentions something about one of them .. it all comes pouring out
han_nie_: or someone mentions something in class and then i fall down the rabbit hole of trying to understand every intricate detail

_leeknow: doesn't that get intense?

i.n._: kind of! but if you pace yourself with enough brain breaks, sometimes it can actually be a good way to reduce stress

han_nie_: yeah! it can make me tired sometimes, but i never regret it

hwa.hyunjin_: can you pleeeaasseee give me a rant about the snails that live in volcanoes?
hwa.hyunjin_: i tried to look it up myself after yesterday, but i could never focus on any of the articles i read 😖

han_nie_: would you prefer that knowledge in essay form, voice message form, or presentation style?

hwa.hyunjin_: omgs
hwa.hyunjin_: voice message, please

han_nie_: bet!

i.n._: im actually very interested in the presentation idea
i.n._: do you already have one made??

han_nie_: oh ABSOLUTELY
han_nie_: i tend to make very informant pieces of work for most of my interests so ..
han_nie_: if i talk about it, i probably have a presentation or essay made about it .. most times both!

_leeknow: i would also like this presentation actually
_leeknow: do you hold lectures? i could listen to that all day

felix_cious_: honestly same

puppy_min00_: same

i.n._: sameee

hwa.hyunjin_: this is why i chose vms 😌

han_nie_: 🥺
han_nie_: brb gonna go cry rq
han_nie_: you guys are so nice to my chaotic ass

felix_cious_: how could we notttt

puppy_min00_: have you met you?

i.n._: im so excited to hang out together for my birthdayyy

bg.chan: oh jeongin! (sorry yall i just got caught up lol)
bg.chan: i really was curious about your search on whether mario could beat iron man

han_nie_: SAME
han_nie_: what was goin on there?

i.n._: sooo i have a geeky cousin, and they are hell of a marvel fan and i .. like many, am a fan of mario!
i.n._: we got into a heated debate whether mario was capable of defeating ironman. ofcourse i argued that .. mario is an agent of chaos and deserves a lot of credit for continuing to not die over the years
i.n._: i mean .. come on, he consumes psychedelic mushrooms and grows or gets special powers soon after consumption AMD THEN FIGHTS A GIANT SPIKED TURTLE MONSTER EVERYDAY. so .. in other words, he's insane.
i.n._: but then my cousin points out that ironman basically engineers himself for most enemies and .. he can fly
i.n._: i respect ironman, lets be real .. but i have so much more respect for mario, more specifically, mario kaizo. like the mario of mario kaizo could definitely beat ironman ! insane situations for an insane little man

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