chapter eleven

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Chapter 11: Fancy Meeting You Here...

It's honestly been a long month and it was only the start of the year. With fashion school, work, and commissions, Felix was feeling swamped even before classes started back up on the 8th. He admits that maybe he should take more time to rest, but he's thought that basically his whole life and it never really worked out for him. 

Today he had one class and then he would go to work and attend a staff meeting that Chan had to plan last minute. After that .. well .. Felix would go home? Water his plants, get to work on newer commission pieces, or maybe he should just .. sleep. He thought that maybe some time at home would be good.

Once class had ended that day, it was an hour past lunch and thought maybe he would go get something to eat before the meeting.  It was nice to have campus so close to everything, his apartment was a 5 minute drive, work was 20 minutes, and his favorite cafe, Levanter, was 10. Felix got in his car and drove to Levanter for lunch and took that time to vibe to the radio. 

Once he'd parked, he took a deep breath and made his way inside. The aesthetic of the cafe was more dark academia and gothic than other cafes in the area and Felix always assumed that was why it wasn't so popular with the public, but more popular with college students and people Felix's age. It was unique, Felix adored authenticity that way. 

Once he approached the counter, he recognized the usual barista immediately. "Felix! Long time no see!" Jeong Yunho, one year older than Felix, a dance student and mentor at the esteemed Seoul University. The taller boy was always so calm and happy, his smile could instantly heal any of your troubles or maybe he'd die trying. 

"Yunho!" Felix responded back just as cheerfully. "It has, I've been super busy .. as always. How are you?" Yunho grabbed a cup and immediately began to scribble Felix's usual order on it. "I've been okay! For the most part, anyway. I'm here if I'm not at the university, so I feel the being busy part." Yunho rambled a bit, that smile never once faltering.

"How are you? How's Minho and the grumpy old man?" Felix laughed at that, watching Yunho make his drink while he talked. "Oh you know, I'm always doing fine. Minho is actually doing pretty good, he's found someone he's interested in so .. obviously he'll only talk to me subtly about it and use that as a form of gushing."

"Minho has someone he likes? Really? I didn't think that dork would find anyone like that!" Both Felix and Yunho snickered at that. "I'm sure you'd like to hear that he's began dancing again more though." Felix said it with a small smile on his face. Though Yunho had his back to the blonde, Felix could see him freeze for a moment before continuing his task again. 

"Wow.. I never thought I'd hear those words." Yunho said it with a hint of solace. It felt comforting and also sad to hear his old friend was dancing again. Minho had been 22 when it happened, under a year younger than Yunho was now. That accident was two years ago.  

"Yeah. I was surprised when I heard about it too. I'm not sure what inspired him to start again, but I'm glad he has. He's happier than he was." Felix said, his smile growing fonder. "Oh and Chan is doing just fine." Felix said with a laugh. "He's as he always has been you know. Though he seems to be scheming something lately, especially with Minho." Yunho laughed too, glad to hear his SKZ friends are doing just fine.

"Well that's always glad to hear, but I wish you luck with those schemes, my friend." Yunho handed Felix his freshly made London Fog and the fruity smell through the lid gave Felix a sense of comfort. "I hope this is still your favorite Lix. Did you want anything to eat?" Felix placed his order and paid before thanking his friend and sitting to wait for his food. 

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