not an update!

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Heyy, so, I just wanted to leave this note as I edited out my comment about streaming Lose My Breath last chapter:

I have been made aware that Charlie Puth is a zionist .. Has openly been one since 2015. This shows you how out of touch I am with western pop culture. 

This may lose me some viewers and followers, but I am not going to stream Lose My Breath anymore due to Charlie Puth's name being on the song, as he is pro-Israel. 

I am not one to talk about these things, not even on my personal instagrams or actively with friends/family as it's a very heavy subject, but since this book has been getting so much attention, I needed to edit out what I said about the song and clarify that I do not support genocide or anyone that condones it.

I am an activst in life off the interwebs, if that wasn't somewhat clear in some of the commentary found in my writing, so these opinions of mine are not new haha.

I'm unfortunately very conflicted now with the SKZ and Puth collab .. SKZ is a lifeline for me right now, so I'm not sure what to do when statements still aren't being made and .. they made a song with a problematic person. 

Regardless, I respect your decision to click off if you do, but I stand with Palestine.

Thank you, everyone!

Now, back to your normal goofy content! v

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