I kinda like him

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Aisha's pov -

When Arnav walked away from the auditorium. I also went outside to say sorry and thank you to him. I saw him. He was standing in front of the auditorium checking his phone. I went close to him and said, "why did you come here? I mean you were supposed to play guitar right. Nikita was waiting only to practice with you. And you left. Why?"

Arnav's pov -

"Oh yaa but I don't wanna practice with her. I just don't know why. Honestly there was no call on my phone I just didn't wanna practice with her. So that's why I made an excuse. Anyway you say why does she want to practice with me?"

Aisha's pov -

"How do I know? Aditi told me that she wanted to practice with you. Anyway I just wanted to say sorry and thank you. Sorry because I didn't wanted to come with you. I was too stubborn that time."

Arnav's pov -

"Not only that time. You are a stubborn girl." I smiled at her.

Aisha's pov -

OK I'm stubborn I know that. And thank you for supporting me.

Arnav's pov -

"I'll always support you no matter what." I don't know what happened to me at that time but words automatically came to my mouth and I told her that I support her always.

Aisha's pov -

I was just looking at his eyes when he said that. We stared at each other for a few seconds. Then I said, "thank you for playing the guitar with me. And thank you for forcing me to sing. I really wanted to sing but after these all happened I just gave up. But thank you so much......

Arnav's pov -

"Shhhhhhh.......stop thanking me Aisha. You are a good singer. All you need is a little bit of practice. And now go to your hostel and eat something. You have been here for like 2 hours. Ok byy see you tomorrow at practice."

Then he went away. I was just looking at him. He was so damn good and cute and handsome and caring. OMG I can't stop admiring him. He was literally the perfect guy. How can I hate him. No I don't hate him. Not at all....

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