chapter 2👑

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" I DONT NEED ANY BODYGUARD ", the youngest prince sitting on his royal bed wearing yellow oversized hoodie and shorts shouted at his brother.

" Koo please try to understand hyung , hyung wants safety of you ", jimin said hoping this bratty brother will understand him

" NO NO NO NO NO ", the youngest prince threw his legs .

" I am already tired of old fatty uncles following me around every day ", the bratty prince whined .

" baby it's for your safety. Do you want to be kidnapped??", Jimin asked his little brother .to which the younger shook his head .

" then baby listen to me and accept him to be your bodyguard. He is strong and he will keep koo safe ", Jimin added .

" But ...but , these meanie uncles don't let me  play and go to arcades , he will take away my tiny freedom that i have ", jungkook said while pouting .

" baby give it a try please for hyung ", Jimin said to which the boy nodded defeated.

Jimin left the royal chamber of the youngest prince leaving him alone in his bedroom .

" huh meanie fatty pig yukhie uncle , let's see how many days you are able to live with me , ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ", the youngest prince laughed like a villain. Eyes determined to shoo this new body guard away .

Kim taehyung entered the palace after his security checking with his eyebrows frowned in concentration. His demeanor speaking dominance. His one hand in pocket while walking. He poker face on display.

All the girls and guys were drooling over  the said male. The servants soon started gossiping about this new male walking like he own this place

He was lead to meet the second prince .

" I pay my respect , his royal highness", taehyung bowed in respect .

" Tae ", the second prince excitingly called and took him into a hug.

"I missed you ", the prince exclaimed.

" chim , i missed you too ", taehyung said while his lips curved into a tiny smile.

Both the males settled down and catch up with their lives. They were childhood  best friends untill taehyung was sent to England for further studies and his training to be the shield of the royals. Jimin joined him in the university after some years in England but Jimin had to come back early to take his responsibilities as a prince.

" but I am telling you tae , he is a brat ", jimin said with a sigh.

"He don't want a bodyguard, so I will suggest you to be careful . He loves to pull pranks " Jimin added.

Taehyung kept silent .

"He is a brat but an innocent one ", Jimin added and gave him the details of his brother. His likes and dislikes , his antics and everything that taehyung needs to know.

Taehyung was sitting on his bed with a file . He opened the file just to see the face of a beautiful boy , his features similar to that of bunny. His doe eyes button nose , soft lips. Taehyung unknowingly caressed the picture and a soft smile adored his lips , taehyung replaced it with a poker face when he felt his  facial muscles stretching and closed the file to put on the night stand and slept

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. His first day as royal guard of prince jungkook.

Jungkook was anxiously waiting for a fatty pig yukhie bodyguard uncle . His legs were trembling while waiting. His thumb in between his teeths. He was sitting on his royal chamber. All the maids and servants left after dressing hin up in a light pastel pink hoodie and jeans . He was the only prince to wear such clothes. He priorities his comfort and it's not like he is a minister or something. He is just a small baby according to him .

Only some maids were now present in the room

His maids did what he said . They put a bucket full of cold water on the edge of the door so that when anyone opens the door the cold water falls on the person .

The prince was now clutching his bunny pulshie waiting for the guard .

" where is this yukkhie uncle ", he whined.

After some times a knock was heard .

The price hopped excitingly towards the grand door .

" who is it ?", He asked in anticipation, hoping it's yukhie uncle .

He recieved  silence.

" who is it,  I asked  ", the prince again asked with a frown. He hates being ignored and he was being ignored right now.

" koo asked who is it ?", The prince again asked, unintentionally whining ,

Now his eyebrows frown and his lips formed a pout, anger blubbing inside of him .

" mister or missy you are ignoring koo", he again complained but to no avail and that was the last straw .

In anger he opened the door and boom , all the cold water poured on the prince himself .

Infront of the drenched prince was standing Kim taehyung in all his glory. With black suit, fit perfectly on his body ,a piece of microphone on his right ear.

The prince forgot to breath looking at the male infront of him .

Taehyung didn't know how he controlled his laughter looking at the drenched prince. He was warned by the second prince already and good for him that he knew what are the next steps of the third prince.

" achew ", a small cute sneeze interrupted the thoughts of the male

The prince was sneezing due to cold water. Taehyung was looking at him with poker face .

Soon maids came to take prince to his bed .

Soon the prince was changed into new clothes , a pastel purple hoodie with jeans.

" I pay my respect , his royal highness , I am kim taehyung, your royal bodyguard from today onwards ", taehyung bowed infront of the prince

While the mouth of the prince hung open. Was he dreaming. This handsome hunk was his bodyguard when he was anticipating a yukhie uncle.

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