Chapter 4

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Jungkook didn't know what to think. His mind was racing. He had shifted forms. It just happened. One moment he was standing there on two legs and the next he was on four. The surrounding crowds, the press of people, the noise, it was totally overwhelming. His brain suddenly incapable of comprehending anything beyond the need to get away, to get somewhere safe. He could hear a stranger talking to him but couldn't understand what he was saying, the ringing too loud in his ears. The only thing that made sense was to run.

He found a small space under some stairs to hide, backed in as far as he could go to ensure his safety. He knew he was being chased by the stranger and it only caused his fear to escalate. The man that was after him was clearly an alpha, a powerful alpha. The kind that can easily do what they want with an omega like him.

The stranger followed him all the way to the steps. He expected to be dragged out but that wasn't what happened at all. The stranger shifted and became a wolf too. A huge black wolf, larger than he ever could have imagined. The alpha simply laid down with a huff and cautiously approached him, seemingly trying to offer comfort. Jungkook knew he should be terrified but somehow he wasn't. Somehow he felt safe.

It took a long time before Jungkook could calm down enough to think rationally. Everything seemed so crazy it was hard to even start to sort out what could possibly make sense.

Werewolves don't shift anymore, it's not possible. Unless. Unless you are part of the supreme pack. This alpha in front of him must be part of the supreme pack. But what about him? What did that make him?

Wait, was he the omega of the supreme pack? No. That couldn't be. The chances were way less than one in a million. And he hardly had spent any time in an actual pack structure. Clearly there were way better qualified individuals. Omegas who were stronger, or smarter, or knew more about being a wolf. This must just be an anomaly. There must be some mistake and this alpha is mistaking him for a member of his pack, his mate. The large black wolf was clearly confused.

Every minute that passed Jungkook's mind was spinning faster and faster. It hardly seemed possible that he was the omega of the supreme pack. At the same time it hardly seemed possible there was any other explanation. He had no idea how to shift back and no idea where to go from here. It was becoming quite cold but it wasn't like he could just wander back to his grandparent's house and hop into bed. He was a wolf!

He sensed the large black wolf was trying to draw him out. While he was nervous he didn't feel like he had many alternatives. He needed to come out eventually, what if he shifted back under the steps? He'd never fit. It was time to pull out all his courage and come out from his small den.

He slowly slipped out of the opening while the black wolf gently encouraged him. His larger companion gently nudged him with his nose, carefully pressing against Jungkook until he understood that he should lay down. The petite wolf carefully sat and then lay down on the ground, eyes never leaving the large wolf. The wolf circled several times, sniffing the air as if to make sure there was no danger nearby. Soon after, Jungkook found himself totally covered with the soft warm fur of his companion. Hidden from view, warmed by his body heat, and protected from any danger Jungkook allowed himself to finally relax. He wasn't sure why but he trusted this alpha, he could sense that he would keep him safe from danger.

Now if he could only figure out how to shift back.

It was sometime during the night when Jungkook shifted back, quickly waking when he lost his fur covering and his cold body touched the ground. Jin was woken by the jostling and immediately shifted to join Jungkook in his human form.

Unable to hold back Jin pulled the small boy into a tight grasp. "I'm so glad I found you. We've been looking for you forever. I cannot wait to bring you home to the rest of the pack."

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