Chapter 51

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Jin observed Namjoon taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself before figuring out what to do with the frantic omega. They had to finish what they started but between his own oncoming rut and the amazing smell of the omega going into heat Namjoon was obviously becoming increasingly distracted. Seeing the boy's emotions as he was denied to come closer was nearly killing him. To have the sweet omega in his arms was all he wanted, his own wolf nearly howling in frustration from seeing the boy with someone else.

But he had to finish this job first, once and for all, restoring the wolf community to what it was meant to be. He needed just a little bit more time.

He closed his eyes in thought, then his low voice rang out through the room as he looked at the desperate omega.

"Omega, settle," he commanded. He hoped the omega's response to his own heat combined with Namjoon's rut would drive the pup to submit to this request and almost immediately he saw it working. Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes before curling back into Jin's chest, no longer squirming for the alpha but refusing to take his eyes off his dominant mate.

The omega barely blinked, openly staring at his alpha mate. Namjoon could feel his whispers piercing through his brain. "Alpha, alpha, alpha" the pleading voice called to him. He did everything possible to ignore the boy, avoiding looking in his direction whenever possible.

The few times his eyes shifted toward the pup he could see the omega squirming in excitement, eyes getting even wider while he bit his lips in anticipation, hoping the alpha could finally come and take him in his arms. Each time disappointment followed.

It was only about an hour later when Taehyung gave Namjoon the sign. It was finished. While there was still much to work out it was time to go home. A place they hadn't seen for months. It would be safe for them and for their omega.

The whole pack exhaled in relief while Namjoon stormed over to his omega, immediately drawing the soft boy into his arms and trying to hide him away from the rest of the world. Hobi would take care of whatever else was needed. For now it was time to bring his sweet pup home, allowing their rut and heat to draw them as close together as possible, fully wrapped up in each other's presence.

"Take another car" Namjoon growled at the rest of the pack, his territorial nature springing to the surface. With a few eye rolls from everyone else they let the alpha and omega depart by themselves curious to see how it would go.

"Of course our most type A, territorial alpha has to be the first to sync his rut with the omega's heat" Yoongi muttered. "This is going to be interesting."

The alpha had already stormed out of the building and grabbed the first guard he could find to drive him and the omega back to the compound. He'd covered the omega with his coat and was working on covering him with his scent as well. Any time the driver so much as looked in the rear view mirror Namjoon began growling, discouraging his gaze from lingering.

Jungkook was nearly beside himself. His own heat was becoming overwhelming and his natural reaction to the alpha's rut was to draw as close into his protective arms as possible. The alpha smelled magnificent, he wanted to drown in the scent. Never coming up for air again if he could.

With a slam of the car door the alpha carried the omega into the house, hurrying to his room and locking the door behind him. Setting Jungkook down he feasted on the boy with his eyes while the omega started back, lower lip caught between his teeth.

"Let me say this while I still can," Namjoon husked out. "Anything you are uncomfortable with, any time that happens you let me know and we'll stop. It will be easy for me to get carried away but you can always say 'no'. Your body is your own."

Jungkook looked down shyly. "Thank you alpha." Then after a moment to think he spoke again. "But I trust you."

Namjoon huffed out a laugh then brought himself up to full height, looking down on the omega, ready to bring out his full dominance.

"In that case I want your shirt and pants off. I want to taste every inch of you."

Jungkook quickly complied, glad to be rid of the clothing that trapped the warmth from his heat. When only his boxers remained the alpha strode closer, backing the omega onto the bed.

"Alright little lamb, it's time for this big bad wolf to devour you."


The rest of the pack had arrived home, glad to see everything was as they left it. The staff had stayed on to maintain the residence since it seemed the elders had forgotten to fire them. As long as they were being paid they were happy to oversee the virtually empty home.

Jin asked the cook to buy a new supply of groceries after a quick check in the pantry and refrigerator and then encouraged the rest of the employees to take the week off. A rutting alpha with an omega in heat didn't really lend itself to company and the pack would want some time to resettle into their space and make it feel more like home.

The next few days would undoubtedly be busy. Jimin was assigned to liaise with their human counterparts, explaining to them the new situation and compelling them to have a change of interests if necessary. Hobi and Yoongi would meet with the remaining elders, helping them establish a new council and new ways of engaging the broader population. Taehyung and Jin would begin reviewing reports of potential flashpoints between humans and wolves. The stack was impressively high, a result of both the elder council's efforts to secretly undermine the werewolf population and their long absence.

The pack was glad to be busy and feel useful again. They were also happy to have an excuse to get out of the house knowing that Namjoon would want as much space as possible. They had left a large tray of water bottles and other prepackaged food outside his bedroom door but otherwise nobody dared even go close to the alpha's bedroom.

Late on the second day of the rut Jimin caught a glimpse of the omega in the hallway. As soon as Jimin saw his packmate he turned away, eyes wide before sprinting back into the bedroom and slamming the door shut behind him. Shortly after loud growls could be heard from the room warning the other alphas to keep their distance.

Finding Jin in the kitchen he reported the incident with a small laugh. "It looks like Namjoon is enjoying Kookie's company. I just saw the omega for a second and he was covered in love bites, soft teeth marks, and absolutely reeked of the alpha. I don't think there was an inch of his skin that was unmarked."

Jin sighed, "well, hopefully he's doing ok. We all know Namjoon can be a lot, especially when he's in his rut. They have a few more days to go before he snaps out of it."

They knew the alpha would never hurt their omega and would respect him, but he could be overwhelming in his dominance even when he didn't intend to. During his rut it could be flat out oppressive. Most of the other alphas avoided him during that time of the year knowing how on edge he was likely to be. Hopefully he was able to adequately care for their omega's heat, breaking through the cloud of his rut to ensure he was well cared for.

For now there really was nothing they could do except wait and hope. Lacking any signs of distress from the omega they'd simply have to hope for the best.

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