Chapter 40

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Jungkook loved sleeping in the center of the warm alphas but for some reason he was feeling particularly warm that night. It was like someone had turned the furnace up ten degrees before bedtime.

Throughout the night something happened he'd never experienced before. One by one his alphas seemed to wake up and quietly leave the sleeping den, not touching Jungkook in the process but whispering to him how much they loved him as they slipped out the door.

By morning he was left alone with only one alpha in the den, Taehyung. Jungkook thought he would be cold without the rest of his pack surrounding him but it seemed Taehyung was more than making enough heat on his own. Partnered with his tight grip locking the omega against his chest, Jungkook was enjoying the warmth of the broad chest he could lean against.

Each time Taehyung shifted Jungkook expected him to loosen his hold, but instead he tightened his grip, nearly crushing the omega in his grasp.

"Alpha," Jungkook whispered, starting to feel like he couldn't breathe. "Alpha, please, too tight."

Taehyung rolled over so the omega was underneath him, then supporting his own weight on his hands and knees he trapped the omega so he couldn't move.

"Mmm, omega..." the alpha trailed off as his lips connected with Jungkook's scent gland. Taehyung nipped, licked and sucked at the gland while Jungkook relaxed quietly beneath him, soothed by the gentle scenting and something else he couldn't quite identify.

Before long the alpha had repositioned the omega to help him take his shirt off and when he returned to scenting him he became more aggressive. Every scent gland received attention, on the neck, at the waist, the wrists, the inner thigh with soft open mouth kisses as the alpha traveled between them. Jungkook was becoming scent drunk, almost unable to speak as he fell further and further into the comfort of his alpha's touches, warmth, and soft words of encouragement.

"Such a good omega, my omega. So sweet."

While Taehyung showed no signs of slowing Jungkook found himself drifting off to sleep again, loving the softness the alpha was showing him even though he was nearly certain he'd have marks by the time the alpha was done.

When he woke again he was still wrapped tightly in the alpha's arms, legs tangled together and bare chests pressed together. The alpha was offering soft pecks on his scent gland as he ran his hands through Jungkook's hair. "Hey baby boy, how are you doing? Are you ready to wake up now?"

Jungkook pried his eyes open and with a soft groan nodded his head yes. He had no idea how long he'd been sleeping, the sun was streaming into the windows so he could only assume that by now they'd missed breakfast.

"Where is everyone? What's happening?" Jungkook covered his eyes with his arms to try to adjust to the light.

"My rut started so they moved to the other room during the night. Do you know what it means when I have my rut?" Taehyung was murmuring into the omega's skin, his lips continuing to explore the soft expanse of Jungkook's chest.

"Um, maybe a little? Not really?"

"Mmm, well it can make alphas a little possessive of their omegas" Taehyung continued to pressed kisses on the boy as he explored his skin. "The others know it would be best to just give us a little bit of space."

" that why..."

"Why what pup?" Taehyung encouraged him while rubbing his hands up and down his sides, teeth nipping at the boy's ear.

"Why you are scenting me so much? To show that I'm yours?"

Taehyung rumbled as he held back a laugh. "Yeah, it's instinct and it's hard to stop. You don't mind, do you? I won't do anything you don't want but it will be easiest if you stay close to me. You should expect that I might be a bit touchy. Are you ok with that?"

Jungkook turned red at the question. "Yeah, I think so." Taking a moment to bite his lip he continued but in a whisper, "I kind of like it."

"Oh baby boy, you are about to be very happy then. It's natural for your omega to respond to my rut by becoming more submissive but I'll still respect you if you ask me to stop." Taehyung meant every word he said but he hoped the omega would allow him to be possessive over him for the length of his rut. It would be much easier for him and the rest of the pack.

His lips continued to explore the wolf beneath him but he paused when there was a knock on the door. If it was one of their packmates they would normally just let themselves in but the door stayed firmly closed.

"Who is it?" Taehyung demanded.

"It's me," Jungkook could hear Jimin's voice calling from the other side of the door. "I just brought some food and drinks, can I come in?"

"Just a minute." Taehyung insisted, quickly finding a blanket to wrap around the omega, nearly covering him entirely. He then picked up the boy and set him on his lap, ensuring the alpha's back was facing toward the door so whoever came in couldn't possibly see the omega that was curled up in his embrace.

"Come in but just leave the food by the door."

Jungkook heard the door creak open but couldn't see anything based on how the alpha was hunched over him, blocking any of his view. He heard what sounded like a tray being set on the ground, footsteps leaving the room, and the door latching shut again. Only after the alpha was sure that they were alone again did he start to pull the blankets off the omega.

"Mmm, good boy, my omega." he murmured. After a few moments of rocking back and forth he kissed the boy's head again. "Shall we have something to eat?"

Jungkook agreed but Taehyung could see he was still trying to process what had just happened.

"Let's eat and we can talk more about what the next couple days might look like. I know you don't have much experience with alphas or their ruts. It's actually pretty simple but I want to let you ask any questions you might have."

Taehyung insisted the omega sit on his lap as they ate and fed him each bite himself. The few times Jungkook reached for food the alpha gently pulled his arm back.

"I'll feed you."

When they both were satisfied the alpha pushed the tray back by the door before finding a soft spot where he and the omega could cuddle together again.

"As I mentioned, alphas can get a bit possessive during their ruts. It's just our instinct. Thankfully we only rut once a year or so and ours are relatively spread out. Sometimes Jimin and Yoongi's overlap but we'll figure that out if and when it happens. We can become possessive even within our own pack so the other alphas are likely to offer some space for a few days."

"What did you do before I came?" Jungkook was curious how the pack worked in the past, he felt like he still really knew so little about alphas and the inner workings of packs.

Taehyung returned his lips on the smaller wolf's neck, brushing against the skin as he spoke. "We just managed it. Before we met you it was actually easier because we didn't really have anyone to be possessive over. So while we had instincts they weren't as strong."

"Are you the first to have your rut since I came? It's been almost six months now."

Taehyung sighed. "Unfortunately no. Hobi had his while you were staying with the elders. We just got lucky nobody else had theirs. Hobi's was absolute hell. We almost had to strap him down at one point because he seemed to be going a bit feral."

"I'm so sorry, I should have been there." Jungkook hated the idea of any of his packmates suffering, especially because of him. "Why didn't Jin tell me? Maybe I could have come to see him."

"Oh pup, that is a sweet offer but it wouldn't have worked. He never would have let you go, it just would have been more painful in the end. But don't worry, during his next rut you can make it up to him." Taehyung offered a final peck on the pup's nose before he returned to holding him tight against his body. Hopefully they would never spend another rut away from their omega again.

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