Chapter 42

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The pack had started to question whether there was still a place for them in the broader wolf community. They'd been rejected by the council and the public. They didn't have access to media but Namjoon had discussed the situation with the aunt they were staying with. He gave the minimum amount of details but asked if there was any word that the elder council was searching for the pack. The woman had heard no such thing which relatively cemented the situation in Namjoon's mind. If they weren't even worth searching for, clearly the elder council thought they were no real threat at this point. They had been deemed totally irrelevant.

But as they spent time with their omega their powers were returning. Taehyung's visions seemed the most advanced. Not surprising since he'd spent the most time wrapped up with their omega.

"I could see a fight breaking out in Ilsan," Taehyung told Namjoon. "It looks like it will be serious and some elementary aged wolves will be injured. I could see it was at a school, the calendar said april 17, so about a month."

Taehyung continued, "I can't stand seeing children hurt, I think we need to do something about it."

"Yeah but what? We can't travel that freely, our omega isn't ready to go anywhere. We've been totally sidelined." Namjoon really didn't see an obvious way forward particularly when several of their gifts had hardly begun to re-emerge.

"Maybe you should spend more time with Kookie." Taehyung recommended to the head alpha. "I know he was close to you when we traveled but it seems like that wasn't enough. I'm sure he'd be glad to spend more time together. I got the sense he kept his distance from you because he worried he might be bothering you but he always seemed to wish you were closer."

Namjoon nodded his head, "you're right. I know everyone wants to be with him now and I don't want to monopolize him, but spending more time together really might help."


Each day Jungkook seemed to settle in more. He laughed, he was always smiling, he was becoming more confident in himself and the pack. He started to offer more of his own thoughts and opinions and began to glow under the love and support of the pack. They loved the omega before, but seeing him happy, confident, and thriving settled all of their souls.

Jungkook was on a walk with Namjoon around the farm property when they stopped to sit under a large tree to lean against the trunk.

"Namjoon alpha, I was wondering...", Jungkook trailed off before he could finish his sentence. "Never mind."

"Wondering what pup? You know you can tell me anything."

"I want to shift again. Into wolf form. I want to know what it is like to be in the pack as a wolf."

"Sure pup, of course. Do you think you can manage it now?"

"I don't think so." Jungkook looked at his fingers. "Can you help me?"

"Sure, what would help? Do you want me to shift first?"

"I want you to...make me shift." Jungkook spoke quietly but the alpha could hear him. "Please?"

"Like use my alpha voice? Really? I don't know about that. I'm not sure it's a good idea." Namjoon wasn't sure what to think. This just wasn't something that was done.

"Why is it so important to you?" Maybe if he could figure out where this request was coming from it would make more sense.

"I just want to feel more like a member of the pack. I want to try mind linking. And I want to go running with the pack, and join the sleeping pile in wolf form. I just want to know what it is like."

"But even if I forced you to shift you know I can't force you to shift back. My alpha voice only works when we are in human form."

"I know, but last time it didn't take that long for me to shift back. We could just be patient and wait, right?"

"I mean I guess but I'm worried you might get anxious or upset. I'm not really very comfortable with this idea."

"I understand alpha, I won't ask again."

Namjoon couldn't bear to hear the sadness in Jungkook's voice. "Let's just, let's talk to the other first."

A bright smile lit up Jungkooks face. Each time he watched the pack go out on patrol or shift to their wolf form he was filled with this deep longing he couldn't explain. He felt this intense need to join them but he didn't know how. Maybe if the shift was forced he could learn how it felt, what the experience was like and recreate it. He really hoped the alphas would at least consider his request. No doubt it was unexpected for an omega to ask their alpha to command them, but he trusted his alphas enough that he was willing to sacrifice control over his own body for a bit if that's what it took.

By the late afternoon all of the alphas had agreed to Jungkooks request although there was a lot of hesitation. Hobi in particular was not easily convinced but the desperate pleas of the omega finally wore him down and he found himself agreeing. They would all shift and go for a pack run tomorrow after breakfast. From there they would just see how things went. It would mostly be a waiting game to see how long it would take Jungkook to shift back.

Jungkook was almost giddy with excitement and they struggled to get him to hold still long enough to have a full breakfast. "Please pup, who knows how long it will be before you shift back, we really need to make sure you have a full belly before we venture out." Jimin was trying to coax him into having even a few more bites of the meal.

As soon as the meal ended Jungkook knocked over his chair in excitement. He nearly bounced out the front door, anxious to get started.

After the entire pack was gathered Yoongi shifted first with Jimin close behind. Who knew how Jungkook would react to the forced shift, they needed some of their fastest runners ready to chase if necessary.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Taehyung asked, wanting to offer one last opportunity for the omega to change his mind. Jungkook remained resolute and only nodded in confirmation.

After offering a brief kiss to Jungkook's cheek, Taehyung joined Jimin and Yoongi in his wolf form.

"I want to do this in the gentlest way possible, ok pup but once we get started there is no going back. Just remember we're all here, there is no need to be afraid."

Jungkook nodded.

"OMEGA, I COMMAND YOU TO SHIFT TO YOUR WOLF FORM." The sound was like a megaphone shaking the earth and Jungkook's very soul. The words twisted their way into his brain and seemed to affect him on a cellular level, his whole body needing to respond.

While the alphas shift was nearly instantaneous it took Jungkook several minutes to shift. By the time he was finished Jin and Namjoon had shifted too, leaving only Hobi to shift, which he quickly did to join the rest of the pack.

Jimin's voice rang in Jungkook's head. "Little lamb, your wolf form is absolutely beautiful. Are you feeling ok?"

Jungkook didn't even bother to respond before he did the only thing he could think of. He took off.

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