Chapter 34

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When Jin arrived in Jungkook's room the next night he could see the omega was anxious to hear the pack's verdict. Would he be allowed to go back to their sleeping den for the night so he could tell his story, finally share his background? With a deep sigh Jin nodded yes, the omega would return with him tonight. First Jin insisted on rearranging his bed to make it look like there was a Jungkook sized body under the covers as at least an initial line of defense against being caught. The guards didn't usually check-in during the night but they'd already had a few close calls. Several times Jin had to leave without even saying a proper goodbye to his mate. As an additional safety measure Jin had started arriving in Jungkook's bathroom which offered a bit of protection against suddenly showing up in front of one of the council's guards, or "minders" as they call themselves.

As soon as everything seemed set Jin picked up the omega and asked him to hold on as tight as possible, legs wrapped around the alpha's waist and arms tightly clinging to his neck. In a moment they were gone.

Everyone was waiting in the den, eager to see their omega. Jin's feet were hardly on the ground before they were being swarmed. Several of the pack hadn't seen Jungkook since his heat and needed to assure themselves directly that in fact their mate was doing well and fully recovered.

Being back in the den was like a breath of fresh air for Jungkook. The last time he had been here wasn't the best of circumstances. Now he could really revel in the company of his alphas. No doubt Jin's regular visits were a treasure to him but being surrounded by all his alpha settled the omega in a way nothing else could.

The low level of anxiety that constantly buzzed under his skin and through his nerves finally came to rest as he basked in the gentle touches of everyone around him. He was having a hard time holding his emotions in as his gratefulness to be back with his full pack overwhelmed him. He really did not want to ever go back.

The pack had collected a few of the snacks and drinks they knew the omega liked. They'd really spent so little time with their final mate that they had to dig deep into their memory to recall what snacks he preferred at the pool party.

It had been weeks now since he was taken away. Each of the alphas becoming increasingly irritable and lethargic in his long absence. Jin's visits to the omega served to settle their bond just enough to keep them from clawing at each other but a never ending itch was ever present that simply couldn't be scratched. As much as the omega needed his alphas, they desperately needed him in return.

Jungkook reveled in attention and outpouring of affection. He was anxious that after he told his story the pack might reject him so he wanted to soak up as much of that affection up front as he could. He needed these final moments of comfort before he took a deep breath and told his story.

After the initial clamor died down Namjoon invited everyone to sit so the omega could speak. Several of the alphas invited the omega to sit on their laps while he shared his story but he declined each request, needing to give himself space and the opportunity to see their reactions.

As everyone quieted Jungkook readied himself to speak. At least after he told his story there would be no more secrets.

"Over the last few months I've learned a lot about wolves and packs. I didn't realize how little I knew before then. I always knew it was unusual to grow up outside a pack but I think only recently I've figured out what my story really means. You all have been so good to me I feel like I owe it to you to tell you the truth."

Each of his alphas waited patiently for him to continue, offering gentle reassuring smiles to encourage the omega.

"My parents grew up in packs. My dad grew up in the silver pack. We were visiting my grandparents there when you found me. My mom grew up in another pack. Honestly I'm not even sure which one. I don't know if she ever mentioned it. Maybe I wasn't really paying attention. Since I never grew up in a pack I guess I didn't realize how important those relationships were, how important knowing that pack name would be."

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