Chapter 54

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Everyone began shouting at once. The last time this happened the council took the omega away from them. They could never allow that to happen again. He needed to be with them. Seeing the terror on Jungkook's face only made their emotions stronger. They needed to protect their omega. They had made a promise to him and to themselves.

Namjoon finally quieted everyone. "I hear all of you. We'll never let them take our omega again but I think we should go. Maybe it isn't something bad. It's not unusual for the elder council to ask for the entire supreme pack to present themselves. Let's not assume the worst, but if they try to take our little lamb we'll be ready to protect him. Agreed?"

The remaining alphas grumbled but knew that Namjoon was right. It wasn't like they had any real excuse not to bring their omega. And the council had been largely rebuilt, the remaining elders didn't seem that interested in parting them from their omega. Finally everyone agreed, but once again with the expectation that Jungkook and Jin would be together at all times, holding hands so if Jin needed to make a quick departure with the omega they would be gone before anyone could stop them.

Arriving at the main council room was a bit odd for the members of the pack who hadn't been there recently. Nearly half of the elders were gone, many in humiliation for their role in trying to create a new order that consolidated their power at the expense of the wolf community.

The new temporary head elder, an elderly wolf greeted the pack as they arrived. "I hope you are settling in well back at your home?" the elder asked warmly, trying to put the pack at ease. "It's nice to see you all here together."

Namjoon politely bowed, "yes thank you. I've heard good things from Hobi and Yoongi about your work here, I know you've also had quite a transition."

Silence filled the hall as the new head elder eyed the entire pack, but stalled on watching the omega that was standing between Jin and Hobi. Jungkook's eyes were cast down in an effort to avoid potentially offending the elder.

"Well, you're probably wondering why I called you here. I wanted to speak with your omega. If you'll permit me, I'd like to do so in private."

The emotions in the room immediately spiked as Jungkook gripped Jin's hand tighter. No matter how much things changed he really didn't want to be away from them. Especially not with one of the elders that had nearly kept him prisoner not that long ago.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let that happen." Namjoon insisted, staring the elder in the eye to ensure he received the clear message that this was not open to negotiation.

"I thought you might say that. If it makes you more comfortable you can send an alpha with, but I would very much like to speak with your omega directly. Will you consent to that?" the elder proposed in return.

"Little lamb" Namjoon leaned down to whisper in Jungkook's ear, "are you ok with that? One of us will be with you the whole time so I can assure you that you will be totally safe."

"I...I'll go." Jungkook stuttered. "Can I take Hobi with me please?"

"Yes of course. He will never leave your side." Namjoon looked at Hobi and gave him a nod before returning to speak with the elder.

"You may meet with our omega but one of our alphas will join him. That point is non-negotiable."

"I am happy to consent to your terms alpha. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity. I understand why you may be reluctant."

Motioning to the two supreme pack members to follow him, the elder left the main hall and headed toward a small side room a short distance away.

"Please don't leave me, no matter what." Jungkook sent the alpha his quiet plea so only he could hear through their special link.

"I wouldn't dream of it, I promise I'll be right by your side," the alpha responded in an effort to assure the small wolf.

As soon as they entered the room the elder sat down, inviting Hobi and Jungkook to sit down across from him.

"Jungkook", the elder addressed the boy. Hobi immediately felt on guard. No elder would normally call their omega by his first name. As far as the elders were usually concerned, 'omega' was the only appropriate term to call the boy. A way to remind him of his rank, especially in the presence of an elder.

"Can you tell me a little bit about your childhood and your parents? I understand that you were, well, a rogue?"

Jungkook looked at Hobi in bewilderment. Nothing good could possibly come of this conversation, and where should he even start. Was this just another ploy to undermine the pack? What should he say?

Hobi squeezed his hand in assurance and sent assurance to him. "It's ok little one, just do your best. No matter what happens we'll figure it out."

Jungkook cleared his throat but refused to look at the elder in front of him, not wanting to potentially cause offense.

"Well, I grew up in a human city, not on pack lands. My parents were banished from pack lands and only allowed to return once a year for the harvest moon festival. It was on one of those visits where I met alpha Jin and learned I was part of the supreme pack."

"Can you tell me what it was like growing up in a human city? Did you have a happy childhood?"

"Well, to be honest it was kind of difficult. I didn't really understand it as a child but now I can see that wolves belong in packs. With just me and my parents it wasn't much of a pack. And I really didn't have much hope of rejoining pack society. I expected after my parents died I'd just be alone forever, not fitting into the human world and with no place in the wolf community."

"I'm so sorry my boy," the elder's eyes were misting as he listened to the story. "That must have been terribly difficult. You must have been incredibly brave and strong to survive."

Jungkook looked up at this, "I can only thank my parents. While it wasn't perfect they did the best they could."

"Have you seen your parents? I mean since you joined the supreme pack?"

Hobi squeezed the omega's hand again as he could sense him start to squirm under the questioning. "I...not really. I mean they are banished from pack lands and it hasn't been that easy for us to travel."

"What if I could change that?" the elder asked softly, his warmth for the boy showing through.

Jungkook looked at him in confusion. "I don't really know what to say. My grandfather banished them. I thought he was the only one who had the authority to revoke their banishment. Is that something you could do?"

At this the elder offered a small sad smile. "Jungkook, my dear omega. I am your grandfather."

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