Chapter 54

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Jisung brought his luggage to the living room, as they all stood up silently in the room, looking at Jisung with wettened eyes.

Jeonho was dead, Ray as well, the kids were saved and in health care.

The organization Jisung had been hunting down finally scrambled, and his task was now over.

The mission ended, and it was time for him to go, just as he warned.

A loud sigh escaped Jisung's mouth as he looked back at them. His eyes longing on their faces as he knew they were all hurting. When his eyes fixated on Minho, he knew how much he had it worse.

As soon as their gazes crossed, Minho felt his heart break right away.

He couldn't.

He stormed out of the room as soon as Jisung opened his mouth to say anything.

There was no way in hell he'd stay here and listen to his stupid goodbye.

He ran to his room as he fell on his knees, finally letting out the sob he was trying to hold back.

He was tired of crying for the younger. He was tired of feeling his heart clenching so much.

A few minutes passed, and a knock was heard at his door. He dodn't need to look up to know who it was. And he didn't want to hear him anymore.

Jisung entered the room, gulping hard upon noticing Minho's state.

He was sitting on the ground beside his bed, hands wrapped around his knees as he looked at him, face still wet from the amount of tears. He was clenching his hand, his nails plunging into his sking as he could almost draw blood. The sight was unbearable.

"Minho.." He said, not knowing what to say.

Minho chuckled dryly, looking up at Jisung.

"So... this is it?" He let out, voice breaking "The trip finally stops?"

"Please, Minho, understand me.." Jisung said with a sigh as he walked in

"Oh, I tried" Minho responded, violentely wiping his face with his arm "Doesn't mean I'm not feeling in fucking pain because of it" He added, voice breaking again at the end.

"Don't guilt trip me" Jisung pleaded, voice low as he tried to keep his tears in, and watched how Minho frowned

"Is me having a hard fucking time is guilt tripping you?" He asked in disbelief

"No..." Jisung said as he walked in, sitting on the ground as well, facing Minho.

"Then alright. I respected your choice, and I'll let you fucking go if you want it. But don't expect me to be waiting smiling when I see you cross that damned door" Minho responded, voice louder as he couldn't think rationally at the moment.

"It's hard for me too" Jisung admitted slowly.

"Then stay! Fucking stay!" Minho yelled, voice begging as he widened his eyes

"You don't understand how hard it was for me" Jisung let out, eyes staring at his lap

"I don't, but I tried to understand! I listened, apologized, and I'll do my fucking best for you to understand that never again any of us would let you down" Minho yelled, the last strands of hope pulling at his brain "And that, especifically, I won't let you down" He added firmly, poiting a finger at himself.

Jisung didn't respond right away. He continued looking at his lap as he thought deeply.

He let out a pained sigh.

"I'm so messed up" He stated, voice wavering

"Aren't we all in here? We're all bloodthirsty psychopaths trying to make the world better by taking lives. You're not special" Minho annoyedely responded

"I'm not special?" Jisung chuckled, finding his answer somehow funny. He watched how Minho chuckled too, before looking at him with the most endearing look.

"Relatively? No. To me? Yes, yes you are Han." Minho confessed, eyes boring holes at him.

They stared at each other for some time in a deafening silence, until Jisung decided to talk.

"I'm sorry to hurt you" He whispered

"I'm sorry that I hurt you" Minho whispered back

"We're toxic" Jisung stated with a dry chuckle

"No we're not. We were literally trapped, we were doing good before Jeongho happened" Minho responded

"Yeah... and I can't believe it's over... I can live freely now" Jisung said as he smiled to himself, emotions submerging him once again.

"Lucky you" Minho scoffed

"You're free too Minho..." Jisung responded

"I am. This is my freedom" He said firmly, proudly even.

"Killing people and hurting yourself?" Jisung said judgingly as he frowned

"No. Saving lives and protecting my friends" Minho corrected, frowning as well

"You're too damn complex"

"So are you"

Again, they kept staring at each other, as none of them could decipher what the other's thoughts were.

Suddenly, Jisung got up, wiping his pants as he couldn't cross Minho's eyes anymore, shame purely eating him up.

"I'll get going Minho" Jisung said lowly, and Minho felt his throat tightening.

"Don't do this to me" He pleaded, voice astonishingly weak "I don't want to say goodbye"

"We'll see each other someday, hopefully" Jisung responded with a honest smile "When we're better"

"You know very well we won't" Minho only responded, eyes staring at the ground as he felt his heart detach from his chest. If he could, he would tear it out of his chest for him, so he could take a part of him along.

"I love you" Minho mumbled, low but high enough for Jisung to hear.

And a tear escaped Jisung's eye.

"I love you" He whispered back.

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