Chapter Two: Growing up

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Addy enjoyed her new life to an extent. It did not help that England in this century was incredibly sexist, and religious persecution was rife in this era.
It has been seven years since my rebirth, and I learned some hard lessons but necessary.

Just for being a smart woman could have me burned as a witch, but luckily, I was born into nobility, so that gave me some form of protection.
I had become best friends with Henry (8th) Tudor,we had been talking about his ideals and what he wanted to do from them, I offered him ideas and insight, which he returned with vigorous enthusiasm. It helps that I endeared myself to his grandmother and his parents.
My father is William Alden, Duke of Barnsley. He is best friends and devoted to the support of Henry 7th.
He insisted that I learn to wield weapons and proper horseback training and with my lady lessons.
My mother, She loves my father so much that she vowed never to marry another if the worst happened.
I wanted to ensure that my parents would not have too much to worry about over me, I showed by two I could read and I had to learn to write for this era which wasn't to bad.
I showed skills in languages and politics to a degree and a flare for fashion.
At my father's insistence, I started to learn to wield a sword at six, but I am making progress, I also will be starting I archery soon. Our master-at-arms is a loyal man to my father, and that loyalty went to me as well. He said if I wanted to learn the sword, then he would make sure I was the best.
He sent tutors in different weapons from different countries for me to learn, and my educational tutors were surprised at my speed of learning. I could tell some were shocked that a WOMAN could hold such knowledge.

I knew I had to be careful because the last thing I wanted was to be branded a witch, but I kept everything at a slightly speed pace but not enough to be considered unnatural.
I made friends with different people throughout Europe, I made sure to make friends with the de' Medici family, and we entered into a profitable business together with my clothes.
I have also sent an envoy to Asia for a trade deal, I made sure they knew who the current emperor was and what they were allowed to offer but to work up to it.
I also helped King Francis I with an issue in his lands, and he rewarded me with some land and an estate with the title Marquess of Berry. I was only one level lower than I am in england.

I also made sure to spend time with my mother and her ladies. They taught my different sowing styles, and they tried on my style of clothes and then started to set trends.
I made sure once a week to spend time with the people in my duchy to know that I was present, I gave arms to the poor but also food, clothes and I had some old buildings restored and made hem shelters for the poor then offered them training for work.
My duchy had the least amounts of homeless people and was a lot more sanitary as well.
My father would always consult me on matters with the Duchy, and early this year, he took me to court in London, we greeted the king and queen, then the royal children.
Arthur was very sweet, if a bit shy. Henry was loud like he had to be the life of the party, i was surprised when i got along with him most.
He was not keen on me at first because as he put it,'a girl' and we were all boring, I went and got changed then dragged him to the training yard then promptly kicked his arse.
He was so angry with me but I stood my ground and informed him that if he can not take the unexpected then he was not ready for any responsibility nor was he ready to accept nor work with any strong woman in his life.
I hadn't known at the time that both Lady Margaret and Queen Elizabeth, along with King, watched the training, and they agreed on some level. They etched and talked to him about it, and it took him out two weeks to calm down and start to understand what I was talking about.

He apologised, which I accepted them, offered to spar again with him, which he accepted, and we have been best friends since to the point I can call him Harry.
We talked about what Henry wanted in the future because I knew he had a dream to take France, but I was not sure if that was completely possible but we could look into it but I said Scotland might be doable.

As we got older, our friendship grew stronger , and he would write to me constantly while I travelled, but I always brought him back gifts, then when Charles Brandon joined our group I did the same for him.
When I was seventeen my father asked me to join him in his solar and we talked about marriage and stated that Henry has offered his hand and I agreed because I would rather marry someone I know then a stranger.
Henry from when I spoke to him, was thrilled, but I knew in my heart it wouldn't last because barely a few months after Catherine of Aargon arrived and married Arthur then my friend Arthur died, I tried to save him but it wasn't enough, but the Tudor family were thankful I tried but what hurt was catching Henry and Catherine sleeping together. I never knew she was such a slut but Henry saw me and tried to explain then I just told him he was doing what was best for his country then left.

My father was livid with my Henry and his father wasn't pleased either but Henry now had to marry Catherine, she looked pretty smug at me but when she realised I wasn't running away and that I was infact her husbands best friend...well she was not pleased.
She knew out of the two of us, I held Harry's heart, but I kept most of distance in that respect.
Henry got so annoyed with some of the schemes for me that I was now immune to all her commands that I only answered to the king.
I did get married at barley a few months later and had two sons, William and Edward. My husband mystery died when they turned two, but no one would miss him, and I knew Henry was thankful to see him go.

We were approaching the start of Henry's story, and I hoped things lay out differently for him.

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