Chapter Seven: Plans

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We have been back in England for about over a month, Henry stayed till he could not anymore without risking people shouting he was missing, but we had more sex than sleep that night.

Recently, I have been sicker and waiting for my physician to check me over.
Christian was checking my over and asking me questions before looking at me with a small smile.

"You are with child, my lady over two months, i would say."

"Thank you for confirming, my friend, I trust your discretion."


He packed up and left, but I saw Joanna look at me with a pout but a small smile hiding behind it.

"Did you and he have fun that night?"

I nodded with a smile because I explained my complicated past with Henry years ago, and she has had a deep dislike for Catherine every since then.

"I am glad you now have another piece of his Majestys heart."

"I will wait till I pass three months before I make any announcements to Henry, he is determined to claim the next one and I would like him to celebrate this one with Elizabeth because I know my pregnancy might over shadow hers and then it would also give Wolsey and the other men on the council leave to have me removed as I would be his mistress in their eyes and it would not be proper."

I rolled my eyes at that, which caused Jo to snort but quickly covered it, I was tired, so I decided to rest today and sent Joanna to let Henry know that I would not be attending court.

Henry was listening to petitions again today, and his plan for Buckingham was already being set in motion thanks to Addys spies in that household.
Thinking of her made his desire stir, he had not been able to get their night together out of his head again, she was everything he ever wanted and not for the first time kicked himself for being led astray by Catherine, he made sure to sleep with many after to spite Catherine and to show his love for his sons in front of her, he loved his children with Catherine but only Mary seemed to live past infancy and he had two sons with Addy, he made sure they received the best education as he would with his son from Elizabeth and any child from Adelaide womb, he was not safe with Mary on the first night and that was his fault but was with others as he had promised Addy that he would keep illegitimate childern to a minimum but every child from his love would be recognised by the time he was done.
He regonised that the Catholic Church would not give him his annulment from Catherine because to an extent she had the backing of Spain but there was the possibility of him breaking from them if need be and divorcing her in his own terms but then Adelaide would be in the firing line to the others in Europe, he needed to find someone who he could marry before hand to take the criticism before he got rid of her and married his love, his Addy.

He then was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Addys lady in waiting Joanna Brise announced and walked in but no Adelaide.

"Where is your Mistress?"

"She is feeling unwell today, your Majesty, and begs your Majesty pardon."

"Very well, Lady Joanna, send your mistress our love and devotion and wish her well."

"Of course, your Majesty,"

Henry was concerned for his Adelaide but then his mind started thinking, its been over two months, could she be pregnant and was hiding it because it was so early, he subtly looked at Joanna and she looked then nodded slightly with a small sly smile and Henry felt thrilled, she was pregnant with his child again but he would keep it secret till she told him, well it hoped he would but he knew that he had to talk to Charles about getting Wolsey removed after this whole France fiasco and he made horrible remarks about his Adelaide, he had to go.

After another hour, Henry had enough and called an end for the day then left quickly with Charles and Joanna following behind him, he made it to the room and saw Adelaide sleeping on her bed, he waved them off to the door then took off his shoes and jewellery then climbed into bed and hugged her tightly from behind and she seemed to relax into him.

'This is the life.'

Henry thought, just laying here with the woman he loved, then moved his hand to her slightly grown belly, and inside was his child. He knew that no matter what, he would protect them.

*Next Day*

I woke up the day feeling a lot more refreshed than I thought I would wih a smile on my face, Joanna came in with a smile and then helped me in the bath.
Once I was clean, I got dressed when we heard a knock, I called for them to come in when I saw Charles by the door with a teasing look.

"Our king gave you a hug in your slept,"

He teased, and I went a little red, which caused them all to laugh, I just picked up a cushion and threw it at Charles with a laugh.

"Very funny, Charles, now what do I owe the pleasure."

"We have been summoned if you are feeling well enough."

He asked seriously, then looked me over, I just smiled at his concern.

"I am a lot better today, thank you, Charles. Let's not keep the king waiting."

We walked in to see the king greeting for the new year, we walk to see Henry sat down who smiled at us but softened looking at me then quickly looked at my stomach before looking up to my face and I could not help but smile at him in return.

Once I moved to the side with Charles when Buckingham entered, I tensed a little because I knew what he wanted to do, and I would not allow it.
Once he left the room, I relaxed with a smile and had a fun time with my friends.

Over the next few days, Buckingham was arrested, and to his disbelief, I was one of the jurors who tried him guilty, but he was a danger to Henry and my sons, and I would not allow it to stand.
He also informed me that lady Blunt gave birth to a boy and I made sure to congratulate him, he said he would regonise the boy which I supported, after the queen congratulated Henry for little Henrys birth, we left the party to my rooms and cuddled that night  whispering sweet nothings to each other, I knew I should not and hold him at a distance like I had done for eight years but since thst night in France, Henry would not stay away no matter what I said.
A few weeks later we left Whitehall for Hampton Court because a case of sweating sickness, Henry insisted that I go as well to make sure me and our childern were safe to which I agreed, I have recieved reports of Boleyn plans for Anne and let Henry know, he made sure to tell me what some of his plans were and I just wanted him to be safe.
I think I underestimated how cunning and charming Henry was because he sweet talked me ever time, he had not done this for over eight years and now he would not stop, I seemed to have opened a box that refused to close.

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