Chapter Eight: Emperor of Rome Empire

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I looked out at the court yard seeing my sons play with Princess Mary and a few of the other noble children at Hampton Court.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when Charlies walked up to me.


"Charles, Does the king call us?"


I called the boys and told them to be good for their maid and would let the king know they missed him, which they agreed to.
We get into the building, then here

"Have you any idea of the cost of this production?"

I giggled a little and Charles was fighting not to laugh, Henry after a bit of argument with Mr Cornish made some agreements with what to do, Henry spots us with a small smile and walks towards us, he gives me a kiss on my cheek then turned to Charles.

"I have some business for you, Charles."

"As you desire."

"My sister Margaret is to marry the king of Portugal.
I want you to escort her and her dowry to Lisbon.....and give her away in my name."

"Why me?"

"I need someone I can trust. I would send Addy, but I do not trust them with her."

"You trust me with a beautiful woman?"

"With my sister, of course I trust you."

"Thank you for your trust."

"In any case, you're already brethothed to...whats her name? I can't keep up?

"Elizabeth Grey"

"She's a cousin of the marquess of Dorset."


"I'm not important enough to give away the sister of a king.....let alone the king of England."

"That's why I'm making you a Duke. Duke of Suffolk. How does that please your grace?"

I smiled at them a little sad because I could warn Charles, but his dick would lead him where it may.

"It appears Henry that Thomas Boleyn has not given up on keeping in your good graces,  he has bought a place for his eldest daughter Anne in your pageant."

"I know, I wish to use her for this plan I have, but for me to do that, I must pretend to be infatuated with her. I need you to pretend to be hurt by it all. Can you do that, Addy?"

"As you command Harry."

"Thank you, Addy, I promise you. Not too long and just take care of yourself and our children."

He whispered the last part in my ear, and i sighed. I knew he would find out, but I just nodded and smiled at him.

"Be careful not to give Boleyn the impression he can just kill me off, though."

His eyes darkened at that, but I could see that he would never allow it.

"I will destroy house Boleyn before I allow it, but I will send Mary to be one of your ladies."

"Agreed, and if you need to, you can send your little Mary to me."

"Thank you, my Addy."

He took my hand for a moment and squeezed it before letting go.
Later that day we were watching the pageant with the spanish ambassadors Mendoza and Chapuys.
They were asking Wolsey about the ladies or graces as they represented the graces like Kindness, honour, constancy, mercy, and pity.

Then the mock battle starts, we are all cheering them on, and I can see Anne eyeing Henry, I must admit she was beautiful, but I could see the greed in her eyes.
I suspected that he would be using Anne, but I would say nothing on the matter, I had hope that she would not be horrible, but by the look in her eyes, it might be wishful thinking.

I saw Henry dance with Anne with intensity, and I knew it was an act, but I was a little jealous, but I let it go because it would never do any good.
I could see others watching them, and the others were whispering, Charles looked to be having a good time, which I was thankful for.
Once they were done, I was about to move when someone called me and saw it was one of the spanish ambassadors.

"Dama Adelaide."

"Sí, Señor Chapuys?"

"Hablas español?"

"Por supesto, mi padre se asegurò de que tuviera una educación completa."

"Very good, how many languages do you speak  Dama Adelaide."


He seemed surprised, he kept talking to me for about another twenty minutes before Charles came to my rescue and I excused myself with a polite smile.

"I think he fancied you."

"Good luck getting past Henry."

"Yes, he most certainly would not be getting past our king."

We laughed and walked away because things were only going more intense.

*Month Later*

Over the course of the month, Henry moved fast by making Thomas Boleyn controller of his household and a Knight of the garter, but you can not tell Henry no.
We knew Lord Norfolk and Boleyn's planning, but it was useful at the moment, and I made sure my spies got all the information about Anne for Henry.
Henry also expressed his jealousy with Sir Chapuys flirting with me, but I informed him that I must keep up the pretence and tolerate it. He agreed but did not like it.
The envoy has left and we were awaiting for Emperor a few weeks later, Henry told me of his conversations with Catherine and I held him as he raged about her, I would tell him the middle ground because he deserved honesty which he approved and accepted.

That night he came to me a little drunk, I brought him to my bed and tucked him in with a fond smile after that Thomas Moore was knighted and sent to Rome and Catherine got more ladies, Anne included.
I made sure to keep my copy of Luthers works hidden in my private library at my Manor when they were burning them.
Shortly after The Holy Roman Emperor arrived, he was suprised with Henrys appearance and seem to be looking at people then at me, Henry introduced them to Charles and me, we could see the Emperor looking at me, I could see the curiosity but also desire in his eyes before Henry moved him on but I could see the jealously in his eyes but I just smiled at them.

Henry walked with The Emperor grinding his jaw at someone looking at his Addy with such eyes, but he had a part to play and would stop the large jaw Emperor from pursuing his Addy.
She was known as the most beautiful woman in the known world. Even the Turkish sultan coveted her beauty as well as her fiery spirit she was the most desired woman in all of Europe.
Once they sat down outside later that day with people dancing, he saw his Addy talking with Charles and Anthony making sure she was well as she would start to show soon then he saw Anne coming to the table, he made sure to look at her.
He then danced a while with his sister with her annoying request then he danced with Addy as much as possible before he ran into Anne again, he knew this would be a good opportunity but moved out of the way, he knew she was trying to get him captivated to follow and become obsessed with her but that was already taken by his Adelaide, no one else will take her place but he would pretend for now, do what was needed before he could make his Addy queen.

Few days later Henry signed the peace treaty, he knew this would not stick but it was useful for now and was informed Emperor Charles swearing to Catherine and would chose her over his treaty, he was thankful for Addy spy network that she had it open for his use, 'by god did he love that woman' then looked over jewellery commissioned for Anne to let her think he was thinking of her when he wished to give them to Addy but held back as he would spoil her, he knew she would be returning to her estates soon to give birth to his next child in peace and he would have to come up with to visit her to see his next babe because no matter the plan he would not miss it.

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