Chapter Fifteen: Next Step

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Henry was looking at the healer Addy sent him for his leg, he was not in much pain as the healer was brilliant, he could see his doctor looking at the Healer with awe but some discontent as the healer stated that the doctors methods would of caused the king unbearable pain and showed them what he was doing and why so they could learn it.
He would be leaving for Wales today to see his son married, Anne had fucked off to Hever Castle and he would need  to move forward with his plan to break from Rome once he returned.

It took Henry a few weeks to get to Pembroke Castle were his son resided for his wedding, Catherine of course was in attendance to show support for the union.
The Tsar was not of the Catholic faith but was a powerful leader to his people and he would use that for his son to have support of the Russian nation as Eleanor was his favourite child and to have her as a Queen made him thrilled, he made Eleanor and William Imperial Duke and Duchess in Russia giving them such a noble title was rarely heard of but gave them more power.
Once they arrived, William was waiting for them with a large smile on his face and the servants had a small smile on their faces looking at their young lord.

"Your Majestys."

He said with joy and bowed to them.

"No need to bow young William, we are thankful to be here, where is your mother?"

Catherine asked before Henry could speak but Henry did look at Catherine with wariness.

"My mother is attending my bride and her family at this moment but I invite you to dine with us this evening."

"Of course, we would happy to attend."

Henry said with a smile, his son was almost his image but you could hints of his mother in him.
This was his heir, the future king and by the looks on the peoples faces in Wales, he was loved and respected.
Once his son had a few children, he would call him to court to learn everything he needed to know then if he was lucky, he would give the crown to his son and retire with Addy somewhere.
But that was a dream for the future, till then he would do what was needed.
They were offered separate rooms which they accepted but within the same hall to show them both respect for appearance sake.

Later that night, they walked into the large dining hall and saw all the major English, Welsh and Scottish lords there and foreign ones include the Spanish, French, and Italian ambassadors.
Catherine had briefed her ambassador about the situation with Addy and that she was a close friend, it was not completely true but it was another layer of protection for the children and support in the future, she was more accepting because it was the right thing and the pope signed off on it making it religiously the right thing.
Chapuys understood and accepted what happened but was devastated he could not persuade her to marry him.
When young William entered with his bride and her father, they saw the image of Henry and the ones that had no idea knew this was no ordinary wedding that this was the wedding to the future king of England, Ireland and in some minds France.
They looked over and saw his mother Lady Adelaide with her other childern that she brought with her and they all looked the image of Henry but most of them were also enchanted by the little girl Odette who left her mother and sat with Henry and Catherine then started to try and talk in Spanish which had Catherine laugh and talk back making others smile at the scene knowing that Catherine was in approval.

A few days later after William married his Russian bride, and they had consummated their marriage that Henry called the lords into him before leaving for Hampton Court.

"For all you present, read these, but you must swear on God that you will not repeat this unless the worst happens to me."

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