Poem #66

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Growing up, I had a sister so dear
But little did I know, she was filled with fear
For she was consumed by jealousy and spite
And it showed in the way she treated me every night

Her words were sharp, her actions cruel
She made me feel like I was nothing but a fool
She belittled me, tore me down
And left me feeling like I would forever drown

I was just a child, innocent and pure
But she saw me as a threat, that much was sure
She couldn't stand to see me shine
So she dimmed my light, time after time

Her abuse left scars, both inside and out
But I never spoke up, I was filled with doubt
I thought it was normal, that all siblings fought
But hers was more than just a sibling's retort

She was envious of my smile, my laughter, my grace
And she took it upon herself to put me in my place
But little did she know, her actions fueled my drive
To rise above her hate and truly thrive

I may have been broken, but I was not defeated
I learned to stand tall, even when mistreated
For though she tried to break me, I refused to fall
I was stronger than her jealousy, after all

Now as I look back, I see her pain
And I forgive her, for she was not sane
But I also thank her, for making me tough
And showing me that I am enough

I may have been abused by my sister's hand
But I am not defined by the scars she branded
For I have grown into a strong and resilient soul
And her jealousy can no longer take its toll

So thank you, dear sister, for teaching me this
That even in darkness, I can find my own bliss
And though you may have tried to bring me down
I have risen above, and now wear my crown.

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