Poem #71

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Bloody Mary, a ghostly bride
Forever cursed, never to hide
She roams the halls, in search of a soul
To join her in the afterlife, to make her whole

Legend says, she was once a beauty
But now she's just a haunting entity
They say she was betrayed by her lover
Left at the altar, her heart shattered and smothered

They say if you chant her name three times
In the mirror, she'll appear in her prime
With bloodshot eyes and a wedding gown
She'll drag you to her realm, never to be found

But what if Bloody Mary is just misunderstood?
A victim of love, forever trapped in the woods
Her screams echo through the halls
As she's consumed by her own haunting calls

She longs for someone to join her in death
To ease her pain and take her last breath
But no one dares to summon her name
For fear of being caught in her cursed game

Bloody Mary, a tragic tale
Of a bride whose love story turned frail
Her wrath may be feared, but deep down inside
All she wants is to be loved, to be by someone's side

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