Poem #80

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Oh, how I long to be free,
From this torture that consumes me.
Slit my throat and rip out my tongue,
For words I speak, always come undone.

Choke on toxic blood that flows,
Through my veins, like a poison, it grows.
My thoughts are heavy, my chest constricts,
My mind a battlefield, constantly in conflict.

I am my own enemy, my worst nightmare,
A prisoner trapped in my own despair.
Slit my throat and rip out my tongue,
For the pain inside can no longer be outrun.

I've tried to scream, but no sound escapes,
My voice is silenced, my heart agape.
I've swallowed my words, they taste like bile,
A constant reminder of my inner turmoil.

But maybe, just maybe,
If I let the blood spill and my tongue be free,
I'll find some solace, some peace of mind,
And leave this darkness, far behind.

Slit my throat and rip out my tongue,
Let the toxic blood flow, let it all be done.
For in the end, it's my only escape,
From the demons that haunt me, my soul to rape.

And as I take my final breath,
A sense of relief washes over my chest.
No more pain, no more lies,
As I close my eyes, I finally find my paradise.

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