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[my fav character! TEAM LEO!

well, Percy's ok too

but Leo is my fav out of the Seven]

Percy and Annabeth have been missing for so long. A whole week passed without any messages. Even Will and Nico disappeared for a while, but they came back earlier today.

"What in the Hades happened?!" Piper cried out, hugging Nico. Nico pushed her away, grumbling something about a personal space bubble and not to say his dad's name like a curse word.

"Percy's on a quest with Annabeth." Will said. "They'll be back soon, but they need your help."

"Where are they?" Jason asked.

"We need the rest of the Seven." Nico ordered. "Hazel and Frank. Someone should go to the Romans."

"I'll do it." Jason said. "I know Reyna the most out of all of us." He did those son of Zeus powers to fly somewhere out of sight.

"Well, what happened?" I demanded. "Did Percy make out with Annabeth again? And why was Grover bleating like heck last week? Anything about that? Where are they anyways?" Nico raised an eyebrow at my burst of energy.

"Did you have Skittles, Leo?" He questioned me. I rubbed the back of my neck, still jittery.

"Maybe." I grinned and set my head on flames. Piper rolled her eyes.

"Did you have Skittles, Leo?" She repeated, her voice full of charmspeak.

"Yes." I pouted. "Hey, you can't do that! Not fair!" I crossed my arms, setting my whole body ablaze. Piper and Will stepped back, while Nico just huffed.

"Stop being so mature, Valdez." He scowled.

"Says the guy who's younger than me." I sneered.

"I'm like, 80 years older than you, fire boy." He snorted. I cringed. I totally forgot about the whole Lotus Casino incident with that and all. Dam it.

"Guys, we're getting off track." Piper sighed. "Again. Now, what's all this stuff about Percy and Annabeth?"

"Well, Percy almost died—" I cut him off with a snort.

"Yeah, that happens, like, every day." Nico glared at me his oh-so scary death glare.

"Yes, he does do that, but it was Kelli—"

"That empousa?" I blurted out.

"Yes, now stop interrupting me." Nico growled. "He got stabbed in the stomach—"

"It's always that empousa." Will grumbled. Nico ran a hand down his face.

"This is getting us nowhere." Nico muttered. "I'll tell you the rest when the Seven get here."

I'm getting another craving for Skittles.

Percy POV—

Those people who attacked us were definitely not people. That was a freaking melder they shot a me. They're definitely elves. And if it's the giants that are rising...we'll need the gods' help.

I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled my Imparter out. It was Sophie.

"Hey, Sophie." I waved. She waved back.

"Hey, Percy." She said. "Hope you didn't almost die in the way." She joked.

"Actually..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "We did get attacked."

"WHAT?!" I winced.

"Jeez, Sophie, you're so much like Annabeth sometimes." I mumbled. "Anyways, yeah, we did get attacked, but Annabeth and I totally kicked their butts."

When Paths Cross (Percy Jackson and KotLC crossover)Where stories live. Discover now