Chapter 3-He's gone missing

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As she walked through the front door someone ran up beside her and she recognised the voice instantly  "What did Hopper want?" Oliver asked as they walked to Rosie's locker.

"It's Will Byers" She sniffed slightly as she said his name thinking to when she saw him last.

"What about him?" Oliver asked equally worried knowing the sweet boy as he was friends with his own brother as well as Rosie's. He wasn't as close as Rosie was with the boys but he still talked with them if they were over at the Wheeler house.

"He's gone missing" Rosie told Oliver who's eyes widened as they reached her locker.

"Oh crap" He muttered running his hands through his already messy curls. The worry changed into panic when he remembered "Mike. Oh my god I've got to get him from school he cant be there right now" he said already beginning to rush down the hall when a soft hand on his wrist stopped him.

"The middle school called your mom she's on her way to pick him up" she told him with a soft voice her eyes meeting his hoping she would manage to calm him down which she did. She quickly moved back to her locker,grabbing her bag and windbreaker as she locked up her locker before they began walking to the doors they had just previously come in.

"Do you know where Steve is?" She asked to which Oliver gave her a questioning look "It's just I should probably tell him I'm going home in ca-"

"He's with Carol,Tommy and Nancy" Oliver told her with a sigh. "I showed him your note thinking he'd come with me but after class he just went straight for the cafeteria. They all walked past me a few minutes ago"

Rosie nodded her head slowly taking in Steve's actions before she stopped remembering the main priority was trying to find Will. She signed out with the office lady who had already gotten a phone call Hopper so she knew the girl wasn't lying.

The went through the doors and just as Rosie was about to walk towards her car where Dustin was sitting in the passenger seat she felt Oliver's hand in hers holding her back.  When she turned to face him he was digging around in his pockets for something until he finally held up a pen triumphantly.

"If you ever need someone to talk to about all this I'm only a call away" He said scribbling something down ,which Rosie assumed was a phone number, on a scrap piece of paper. "I get it you know, having my own broth-"

Oliver was cut off by the sound of a car horn blaring through the small car park and both teenagers eyes were drawn to Rosie's car that had Dustin sat banging his fist on the wheels horn.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS WRAP IT UP" He screamed from the window nearest them he had opened fully. Rosie's face went bright red as she put the piece of paper Oliver gave her in her pocket.

"I better go before he fully loses it, bye Ollie" she waved goodbye to him with her back to him so he wouldn't be able to see the blush that covered her face.

When she got into the drivers seat she checked to see if Oliver had gone back into the school which he had meaning she wouldn't get even more embarrassed when she slammed her head against the steering wheel.

"What were you thinking? Ollie? Oh my god" she said frustrated with herself as she pulled at her hair.

"You're so weird" her brother pointed out as she straightened herself up putting her keys in the engine.

"If I'm weird then so are you" she told him with a smug smile as they drove out the Hawkins High car park.


Rosie was laying on her bed with a mixtape Jonathan and the boys had made her for her birthday playing throughout her room. 'Mr blue sky' was what was currently playing out of the small cassette player on top of her cluttered dresser.

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