Chapter 15-Pew Pew

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Dustin finished filling on his sister on how him and Mike had found El along with their encounter with Troy.Dustin hadn't said anything to Oliver about Mike nearly jumping off a cliff though cause that wasn't really his place 

And Rosie was pissed.

She always tried to make sure her brother didn't get picked on because if something he couldn't control but it was hard when she wasn't always there.

So instead of getting into another fight she instead opted for squeezing the young boy tightly in a huge hug to which he tried resisting against multiple times.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there Dust" she apologised even though she knew her brother would never blame her for it.

"It's fine Rosie but can you give me the ability to breathe back please?" He asked making Rosie step back with a chuckle ruffling his hair.

It was then the radio sat on the small D&D table started producing static causing the Henderson siblings and Oliver to all move towards it.

What sounded like Lucas's voice started to come through but they couldn't properly tell due to the fact there was so much static.

"Dustin get Mike and El" Oliver told the boy who rushed and pushed open the bathroom door without even knocking.

They heard him tell them about Lucas before they rushed out all five of them now stood around the table.

"Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin asked Mike hurriedly.


"What if he found it?" Rosie added on making Mike give her a slightly worried look.

The sound of Lucas's voice distorted then started coming through the radio again but there was nothing they could understand out of what he was saying.

"What's he's saying?" Oliver asked making Dustin sigh.

"I don't know, he's way out of range" he told the older boy.

Mike held the radio up and they heard a "son of a bitch" come from Lucas before the raven haired boy held down the button to try and talk to his friend.

"Lucas if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you"

They heard Lucas trying to tell them something as he shouted down the line, panting making it clear he was currently riding his bike somewhere.

Dustin managed to hear a bit of what he said "'Mad hen' Does that mean anything to any of you?" He asked the people around him.

Mike never responded still trying to translate what Lucas was saying while Rosie and Oliver shook their heads 'no' at the same time.

"Like a code name or something?" Dustin continued asking Mike who finally heard something clear Lucas was saying.

"'Bad men'" he looked at the Henderson siblings and Oliver who all simply stared back looking confused "Bad men!" He repeated and then it clicked.

The bad men El had warned them about. The ones who would kill them were now coming. And from what El had told them it would not end well for them if they got caught.

"Stay here" Mike told El as the other four bounded up the stairs and ran over to the nearest window looking out it. 

They saw a man just sitting in a white van that read 'Hawkins power and electricity' on the side. It looked like me was simply sitting watching the house.

"What's that guy doing?"

"You don't think..." Dustin started to suggest but never finished as the others all looked at one another.

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