Chapter 6-Oliver the social butterfly

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If Rosie was being completely honest she wasn't sure what she was doing at the Wheeler house that night. She had been planning on just walking to Steve's from her own house so she could have a drink while she was there.

But then as she was laying on her bed Nancy had phoned her asking the girl to come over before the party so she could help convince her mom to let her go. She knew her mother respected the older girl as she looked after her brother and his friends well.

So now here she was eating meatloaf with the Wheeler family, her brother and Lucas. She was eating Mrs Wheelers meatloaf while the three younger boys simply moved their food round their plates.

"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" Mrs Wheeler asked them.

"Oh, no, I had two Bologna sandwiches for lunch" Dustin told her which Rosie could tell was quite obviously a lie "I don't know why"

"Me too" Lucas chuckled.

"It's great Mrs Wheeler truly" Rosie told the women feeling bad the boys weren't eating her food.

"Thank your Rosie"

"It's delicious Mommy" Nancy then added, trying to suck up to her mother so she was more likely to say yes to her going out.

"Thank you sweetie"

From her seat beside Oliver she heard him mock Nancy under his breath which caused her to giggle slightly the only one hearing being Oliver thankfully.

"So,there's this special assembly thing tonight..for Will at the school field. Barb's gonna drive me and Rosie there" Nancy informed her mother.

"Why am I just hearing about this?" Mrs Wheeler questioned her daughter.

"I thought you knew"

"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found" Mrs Wheeler spoke in a caring,clearly anxious voice towards her daughter.

"I know, I know but it'll be super weird if we're not there" Nancy said as Rosie nodded along with her.

"We just really want to show our support for finding Will" Rosie added on as causing Nancy to send her an appreciative smile.

"I mean everyone's going"

"Um I'm not" Oliver pointed out.

"Yes you are" his mother told him making all three of the older teens heads turn to her.


"You can keep an eye on the girls and it'll get you out the house for a while" When Oliver opened his mouth to argue with his mother she continued "It's not up for discussion. I want you back here by 10 at the latest" Nancy agreed with her mother's terms before Mrs Wheeler spoke again "Why don't you take the boys?"

"NO" the three boys said at once shaking their heads in disagreement.

"Don't you think you should be there? For Will?"she questioned them but before any of them could answer the three boys saw something behind Mrs Wheeler which caused Mike to snort his milk out his nose.

Before Mrs Wheeler could turn and see what caused her son to snort his milk out Dustin banged his fists on the table making her turn startled. "Sorry spasm" he apologised sheepishly as Holly began to cry.

"Your alright buddy" Oliver reassured him.


It was nearly time for Barb to be arriving to pick them up but before she left Rosie wanted to check in with the boys quickly about Eleven "How is she?"

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