Chapter 9- What the fuck is going on?!

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The next day neither Henderson siblings were going to school so both slept in later than they usually would with Rosie sleeping on Dustin's floor the night before.

The same could be said for the Wheeler brothers as Oliver had convinced his mom to let him stay off school telling her he was looking after his brother.

After getting dressed Rosie decided to make her way to the Wheeler house to see if Mike would talk to her and to check in on Eleven. Dustin was in his room when she left not wanting to go with her.

She decided to cycle over hoping the fresh air would help to clear her head. Once she arrived she realised neither of the Wheeler parents cars where their but Oliver's was.

She knocked on the door thinking Mike would answer but instead Oliver swung open the door. He looked like he hadn't slept at all the night before but still gave her a comforting smile as he noticed she was wearing his hoodie.

"Hey Rose" he said to her. She didn't reply though just stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. She rested her head in the crook of his neck as she felt his arms go around her waist pulling her in close.

They stood in the doorway for a little longer until Rosie pulled back. Oliver moved to the side letting her in the house before shutting the door. "I heard about Will. How are you and Dustin doing?" he asked as they walked into the living room.

"We're coping" she answered truthfully sitting down on the sofa as Oliver sat with her. "It just reminds me of after our dad died" Oliver noticed the way her eyes watered mentioning him.

"What happened?" He asked before quickly continuing with "You don't have to answer that"

"No, no its fine" she reassured him. "Dustin was 7, I was 11.My dad was taking me out to get ice cream to bring back home for me and Dustin. We were driving there just talking about stupid things like what ice cream flavours were the best. Then all of a sudden we hear this car speeding up behind us. The road was narrow but my dad tried to move to the side to let the guy past but he wasn't doing it" Rosie deeply inhaled before she continued

"I guess he got sick of us being ahead of him cause he rammed his car into the back of ours, causing us to go swerving into a tree as he continued zooming along. When i opened my eyes my dad was hunched over the steering wheel with blood dripping down the side of his face. I kept trying and trying to shake him awake but he just sat there motionless. I ended up getting out the car and I just started running.

I don't know how long I was running for until I saw Hoppers truck. He stopped to help me then walked with me back to my dad's car where he told me he had died.I was too scared to get into his car then hell I didn't get back in a car for basically 6 months till Hopper helped me with my fear of getting in one. After Dustin found out he shut me out for a week not speaking,just sitting in his room. I was so relieved when he started talking to me again I think I cried"

Oliver sighed at the girl who quickly wiped away a stray tear with her finger before she turned to him "Your so brave Rosie"he told her making her sniffle "I'm sorry you've had to lose two people you care for"

"It's okay Ollie, thank you" This time he initiated the hug,pulling her close to him on the sofa. He let her head tuck into his neck as he rubbed her back trying to comfort her in any way. It was quiet between them until the sound of footsteps bounding down the stairs caught their attention.

Both turned to see Mike had coming running down the stairs, not even noticing the pair before he went running down to the basement. Oliver got up from the sofa running a hand through his wild hair before he turned to the basement door Mike had left open. "I'm going down there"

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