Chapter 12-Piggyback ride bitch

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The party were currently sat ,still in their funeral clothes only less neat and more ruffled, in the Wheelers basement with Mike explaining the flea and the acrobat theory Mr Clarke told them about to Rosie, Oliver and El.

Mike had done a simple drawing of what he was explaining on a piece of a paper before he stabbed it with the pencil to show a tear in the universe. "It would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this. But that's gotta be what happened. Otherwise how'd Will get there, right?" He asked El who just looked plain confused at him.

"Right" she agreed uncertainly.

"What we want to know is, do you know where the gate is?" Lucas asked and now it was time for both Rosie and Oliver to turn and face the girl. El shook her head at the boy who threw his hands up "Then how do you know about the upside down?" He questioned.

Rosie noticed how the girl simply looked down at her lap unsure of what to say to the clearly pissed off boy so she stepped in "She doesn't know alright Lucas just leave her alone" 

Lucas gave Rosie an exasperated look and was about to speak again but Oliver beat him to it. "Rose is your brother alright?" He asked the girl who turned quickly to see her brother pacing and spinning around the garage.

"Dust what on earth are you doing?" Rosie asked him but he ignored her as he carried on what he was doing "Dust?"

The three other boys on the basement shouted "Dustin!" along side her before they finally got his attention.

"I...I need to see your compasses" he told them like it was a normal request.

"What?" Mike questioned his friend.

"Your compasses. All of your compasses, right now!" As the three other boys went to grab any compasses they had lying around Rosie simply went and stood with her brother making him look up at her "Where's you compass?"

"I left it at home" Her brother widened his eye at her as she continued "I normally just leave it in my bag I didn't think to take it to a funeral" she tried defending.

"Thats unacceptable Rose" Oliver butted in dangling his car keys beside the Henderson siblings. "I always keep mine on my car keys so it's always with me" Oliver spoke smugly as he unclipped the small compass.

"See Rosie" Dustin nodded towards Oliver "A responsible teenager. This is why we need you here" he told the older boy patting his shoulder as the other two boys brought over their other compasses.

Rosie looked over at Oliver pretending she had been shot in the heart making him laugh as she stopped and smiled back before Dustin brought their attention back to the compasses.

"What's exciting about this?" Mike asked.

"Oo I can answer that one" Oliver spoke up "It's nothing"

"Let me speak" Dustin demanded of the older boy "They're all facing north, right?"

"Yeah so?" Lucas spoke with a shrug.

"We'll that's not true north"

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"I mean exactly what I just said. That's not true north" The other boys stood not understanding anything Dustin was saying but Rosie was starting to understand. "Are you all seriously this dense?"

"No,no I think I get you" Rosie agreed with her brother. "Cause the sun rises in the east and it sets in the West yeah?"

"Exactly and that means that 'that's is true north" Dustin told them as he pointed a different direction from the compasses.

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