Chapter 17-Try not to die

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All El had told them was that she needed a bath in order to communicate with Will and Barb in the upside down. "So what like a sensory deprivation tank?" Rosie questioned remembering learning them  in science.

"Yeah. Do you know how to make one?" Dustin asked his sister.

"No I can't remember" she admitted making Dustin groan in annoyance.

"Lucky for us I know someone who will" he told her moving towards the Byers phone and starting to dial a number.

"He doesn't have any other friends though who could he be calling?" Oliver wondered causing Dustin to flip him off even while facing the other way.

"Mr Clarke? It's Dustin" he said down the line making them all realise who he had called. They couldn't hear what Mr Clarke was saying so had to guess the conversation off of what Dustin was saying.

"I- I have a science question. Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? Specifically how to build one? Fun" Was what Dustin had been saying down the line to Mr Clarke who was obviously very confused.

"You always say we should never stop being curious. To always open any curiosity door we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?"

Dustin's pestering must have gotten through to the poor science teacher just wanting to enjoy his Saturday evening as soon he was taking the phone over to the table signalling he needed something to write with.

Rosie grabbed him a nearby pencil and pad of paper as he sat down scribbling down the different things they needed. Oliver tried to peer over his shoulder a couple times but Dustin pushed his head away making the older boy frown and Rosie laugh slightly.

"Yep, all right. Yeah we'll be careful" Dustin assured the teacher "Definitely. All right, Mr Clarke. Yeah I'll see you on Monday. I'll see you on Monday Mr Clarke" Dustin then hurriedly spoke down the line before he hung up on the teacher.

"Well that must have been a lovely conversation for him" Rosie said in regard to her brother's apparent lack of manners when.

"Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?" He asked Joyce as she looked at her son before nodding ever so hesitantly that they did.

Rosie remembered on Halloween right after school she use to go back to the Byers house. Her and Jonathan would then stand side by side and start bobbing for apples with Rosie always beating the boy.

He'd still have his head down and searching as she munched on her own apples as she watched their brothers and their friends bob themselves.

Nancy was never there but Rosie faintly remembered Oliver being there a few times. He was quieter back then not ever really saying much to the girl but Rosie was always very talkative so would start up conversations with him as they sat together eating their apples waiting to be picked up by their mothers.

"Good then we just need salt. Lots of it" Dustin told them.

"How much is 'lots'?" Hopper asked him.

Dustin rechecked his notepad with the list of ingredients and said "1,500 pounds"

"Where are we getting that much salt from?" Oliver asked seeing as it was a lot of salt too much to get from their cupboards.

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