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      Audrey shifted a little on Mahz's lap causing him to groan

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Audrey shifted a little on Mahz's lap causing him to groan. She was completely oblivious to it as she chuckled at the TikToks on her phone while she sat facing him.

"Ouuu look how she did her hair" She spoke forcing him to open his eyes as she showed him some girl doing her hair with hair store synthetic tracks. It didn't even look synthetic by the time she finished using the $20 hair. She always wished she could do her own hair but the most she could do was glue a wig down and make it look decent.

When it came down to braiding that wasn't her cup of tea. She could plait but she couldn't scalp braid to save her life. Mari always joked about how she was revoking her black card until she learned how to do them. She had been trying but she was a lost cause with that.

Eventually the video went off and Mahz laid his head back onto the chair and closed his eyes again trying to doze off. He was exhausted after running errands all morning.

"Bad bitch 50th floor , eating HIBACHI!" She sung along while doing the little shake. The sound had been stuck in her head so every time she scrolled past a video she had to do the dance. "We got to do that one" she laughed to him as she scrolled away. Mahz had come over for food after seeing that she cooked on her story. The two weren't back together but they were cordial in the least. Either or a home cooked meal from her or his mother was the way to his heart and his mother hadn't been cooking as much since she got back home.

She was grieving their dad all while trying to heal and play strong but deep down he knew she was crumbling. They all were but with Blaze being down he helped as much as he could.

"I ain doing shit" he mumbled with his head still leaned back on the couch. "gay ass shit" He thought.

"You can be such a grouch sometimes" Audrey said locking her phone and placing her focus on him. He had his eyes closed and his hands tightly wrapped around her waist with his jaw clenched. She pondered on asking him a question but decided against it since he looked so tired. She was just enjoying the fact that he was even in her presence after all this time even though two hadn't done much talking. It always just sex and sleep.

"Stop being weird" Mahz spoke without looking at her. He could feel her intense gaze even with his eyes closed. Audrey face warmed a little as she broke her stare.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled attempting to get up but he held her in place not wanting her to move. "Do you love me still" she finally blurted out scared of the answer. It had been bothering her but she didn't want to come off as needy. He wasn't obligated to answer since they were just cool but it would soothe her mind if he did.


"Ya?" She questioned frowning a little. He repeated himself without moving.

Audrey stared at him after the dry answer before getting up feeling her heart sting a little. She wasn't expecting him to be head over heels for her after what she did but that didn't even seem a bit true. He didn't have to lie to soothe her she didn't ask for it.

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