My Mate?

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I ran. I ran all the way to school. I knew Blake wasn't far behind which only encouraged my legs to run faster. When I finally made it to school I headed straight for the bathroom but never made it there because I ran into wall that sent shocks of electricity all over my body. I fell right on my bum. I got up and started to walk away when suddenly the wall or person who I bumped into, grabbed my hand sending my those shocks once again. When I looked into his eyes, it was the one and only Derek Stone, future Alpha of the Red Stone Pack.
My wolf was jumping for joy screaming, "Mate! Mate! Mate!"
At the same time me and Derek whispered "Mate." I knew everyone had heard because of all the gasps and whispered. By now everyone was staring at us to see what would happen next. That's when I realized he was still holding my hand. I pulled away from his grip instantly wanting to be touched by him again. And no not like that.
I tried to say something, anything would be better if someone would break the silence but no it was dead silent in here. I turned to walk away again but he quickly stopped me and said the words I didn't want him to say. "What's your full name?" because he was future Alpha I had to obey. "My name is Crystalline Matthews" I said bowing my head in respect. When I looked back up he looked shocked. I guess he could see the confusion on my face because he took a big sigh and said "You've got to be kidding me! You don't even know do you?" That made me even more confused so I brushed it off and said, " No I don't and I don't plan to. Goodbye Derek." And with that I left him and everyone else in the hall while heading to class.

When I got to class I sat at my usual spot in the middle of class. When people started to notice my presence it quickly got quiet. I knew it was because of that mishap in the hall. Wow, news travels quickly when it deals with Derek.

I just finished my fourth period and now I am headed towards the cafeteria. I was so happy because I finally get to eat some food. The food from the cafeteria was amazing! It was literally just yummy. I went inside and order my lunch, people kept on staring it was just uncomfortable. I got over it because today is my birthday and I don't need gossip ruining my plans. I was just about to sit down with my friends, Diana, Samantha, Rosalie, Tyler, Micha, and Cynthia, when Derek freaking Stone took my hand and dragged me to his table. The cool/popular table! I can't sit there, pftt I can't even think about sitting there. Especially now that Blake sits there and Derek sends me shocks of electricity every time we touch. I yanked my hand away careful not to drop my yummy food and started walking back to my table. Girls were giving me glares and shocked looks whilethe guys were just plain impressed. He is the future Alpha of the Red Stone Pack. Oh well it's my birthday and I don't give a silver burn. (Heheh)
I made it to my table and sat down and just ate in silence u was almost done when Derek here decided to get grumpy. He came to me and grabbed me and this time literally started dragging me out of the cafeteria.
"What the heck Derek I was eating my delicious food!!" I was more then angry, I may look sweet but I am tougher then you think so I finally got my balance back and kicked him on the back and ran into the woods and out of the school. I knew I was being followed by him. I ran until I tripped on root branch before hitting the ground I heard Derek yell " Crystal!"
Then I blacked out..
Hey guys here you go just another update I'll try harder and update faster :)


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