Chapter Two: What happened?

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I woke up the next morning and saw Anti at the foot of the bed a deep gash on his arm.
"Anti your arm?!" I said. Almost immediately I heard a crash downstairs.
I got out of the bed and walked to the door.
"Sean...don't." Anti said.
"Let go 'a meh" I said and opened the door.
There in the doorway was a tall black figure. The thing is... it looked like Mark, but with blood red eyes and pale, almost white, skin.
"M-Mark?" I stammered.
He laughed and I looked back to see Anti shaking and he quickly disappeared. Mark grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall. I blacked out.


I woke up tied to a chair and pain going through my right arm. I could feel fangs in my mouth and liquid leaking from eyes. Anti was in me? Just then, I heard a door slam and saw Mark standing in front of me... in all smiles.
"Hi my Jackaboy." He purred.
"Who are you?" I said.
"You may call me Dark." Dark said.
"What do you want?" I said. A smile went across his lips.
"I want.... you." He said.
I froze, he walked toward me and grabbed my throat.
"P-Please...stop!" I said. He let go. I gasped for air.
It felt like he grabbed my lungs instead. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to notice a knife cutting my leg.
"Let me tell you ONE rule Sean." Dark said, "I don't stop until I stop, you don't tell me to stop. Got it!?"
I quickly nodded, fearful to say anything.
"Good boy." He said and patted my head.
"Where's Mark?" I asked.
"He's no where you wanna go." Dark said.
He grabbed my chin and made me look at his bloody eyes. Then, he forcibly kissed me, causing shock to go through my head.
'What the hell?!' I thought.
He separated from me and smiled.
"You're a good boy." He said.
Then, he screamed in agony.
"You're not coming BACK!" He yelled. He looked at me anger in his eyes, "I'll be back!"
He collapsed and just like that I saw Mark lying on the ground.
"MARK!!" I said. I tried getting out of the ropes, but there was no avail.
"Damn it Mark, wake up!" I said.
His eyes fluttered open and looked at me. Worry crossed him.
"Shit Sean!" He yelled.
"Get away from him!" I said.
"Mark he's trying You have to go!"
Then, the one thing happened I didn't want to happen, Antisepticeye came out of my mind. He stood in front of me.
"I know you're here you arsehole!" Anti said. He pinned Mark against the wall and held him there.
Black smoke surrounded Mark. I heard a cackle from it. Then, Anti was thrown against the wall. Dark stood there and he grabbed me and teleported to a warehouse of some sort.
"YOU CALLED HIM DIDN'T YOU?!?" Dark yelled.
"I didn't mean to." I said. About to cry.
Why did he have to come back?
"Well you're staying here now." Dark said and chained me to the wall.
"I'll be back. Don't move."
I nodded and when he felt I broke down and cried.
I saw Anti in the corner, he didn't move. He was in a straight jacket and chains and he had a shock collar on.
'Why? Why did I have to be here?'
Anti looked up like he knew what I said in my head, "S-Sean he won't let us go. But I can tell you this. If I was out.... I WOULD KILL YA!!" He threw his head back and laughed until he was shocked.
"Daddy Dark is back." He giggled.
Is he serious? Why is he acting like this? I saw the door fly open and saw Dark's silhouette standing there.
"Hi Darki." Anti said.
He pressed a button on a small box, giving a small shock to Anti. He laughed at the shock.
"What's wrong with him?" I whispered. Dark looked my way and smiled.
"Oh Sean he's under my control. When I first put that collar on him and shocked him. He begged for more." Dark said.
I looked at Anti, who was looking at Dark with begging eyes. (He's a sucker for pain XD).
'Damn. He's crazier than I thought.'
I looked up to see Dark with a baseball bat. He raised over his head and hit the side of my head. It went black.


I felt burning on my back. I woke up and I was tied to the ceiling. I was turned around to meet Dark's eyes.
"Ah you're awake. Now time for some real fun." Dark said.
I saw Anti in his corner passed out. Dark took me down and threw me down on the floor.
'Oh God.'

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