Chapter Eight: Something Else

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I walked away Sean's door. Soon he'll be mine and only mine, as well as Anti.
"Aw so you do like me." I heard Anti say.
"You're my Pet,sweet." I said.
I felt his cold arms wrap around my neck. I gave him a small shock. Anti fell to the floor and groaned.
That was more than a small shock. I thought, yet Anti looked cute when he was in pain.
He got up and rubbed his head, "Damn I'm really regretting having this on."
"So you regret having me here." I said.
I pinned him against the wall. Anti blushed like a cherry.
"N-No Daddy Dark." He said.
With one hand I held his hands against the wall and the other was on his hip. I gently kissed his neck. He moaned every time I hit his sweet spot. I nibbled and eventually came up to his lips.

Dark put his lips on mine and our tongues collided. His hand on my hip went up my shirt. He departed our lips and kissed my sweet spot again causing me to quietly moan. I felt Dark smirk while he nibbled on my neck. He finally let go of me and stopped. I quickly disappeared without thinking.

I woke up in the same bed as usual. I sighed and got up. I knew Dark was still here and he would come and see me before leaving. Anti told me he always came and watched me for an hour or something like that.
'Should I've listened to Mark?' I questioned myself.
I slowly walked over to the door and hesitantly twisted the knob.
'Huh? It's open I thought it'd be locked.' I thought.
Me too the way he wants you. Anti said in my head. Which scared me shitless.
'What do you mean?'
Well Darki, like Mark, loves you and he loves me of course but...
'WAIT! Hold on a damn second there, Mark... loves me?'
Well I thought you knew brother. Any way Daddy Dark wants to keep you here.
'Well... Dark has another thing coming. I ain't staying here, I have to get back to Ireland some how.'
I wish ya luck to that Sean. Last time you tried escaping he tortured you, so you can try.
I sighed, he was right, but how else am I going to go home. I can't just ask him, can I? Maybe I can. I mean, I never mentioned it while I was here.
How 'bout you try that. Daddy Dark may think 'bout it if he isn't in a bad mood.
'You think?'
You can try. If he's in a good mood, but can't tell you if he'll let you. Before you do, you should probably put on some fresh clothes.
I looked down to see my clothes soaked with sweat and blood. I quickly changed into fresh clothes and headed downstairs.

I heard Sean come downstairs. I looked up seeing him in other clothes.
"Uh...Dark." He said.
"Yes?" I said.
"Um...I was wondering....when can I go home? To Ireland I mean." I glared at him. Why would he go home?
"Here is your home." I growled.
"Well...w-where is h-here exactly?" He stuttered.
I chuckled, seeing him scared was priceless to me, "Bibb County, Alabama."
(Any of my friends who are reading this DON'T JUDGE ME!)
He looked shocked when I said that.
"Why so shocked?" I chuckled.
"Uh...well...I just thought." He said.
"That'd I put you somewhere else. Instead of a suburban town in a southern state." I said.
He nodded his head slightly.

ALABAMA?! Man Dark went all out.
"W-Well I just wanted to know." I said.
"Well now you know. Now back to it." He said.
Dark pulled a knife from his pocket and slashed it across my chest. I felt Dark pick me up and head to a room that had a chair in the middle of it and along the walls were torture devices. Whips, knives, guns, ropes, chains, and bats. Terror ran through my veins. Dark tied me to the chair, the ropes burned my skin.


Sean passed out from the torture. I untied him and picked him up. I went to my room and tied him to my bed.
"See you soon my Sean~" I cooed in his ear and ran my hand through his hair.
I grabbed a knife and ran out the door. I had the taste for blood.

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