Chapter 16: "The Party{Part 1}"

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Swara had been a frequent guest of her uncle parties filled with business associates who did nothing but make small talk throughout the party. Her uncle once told her that he hosts this parties for connections not to celebrate his birthday or wedding day, to her it felt cold that even the momentous days were turned into something else for the sake of business .And she had worried that this party would be something similar, a part of her were relieved because she knew how to act in similar circumstances , the other part was tad bit disappointed as well.

About 40 minutes into the party, she realized that it just as she feared though Sanskar employees were friendlier and even their wishes felt sincere, yet it was too formal as her uncle parties that she was bit tired after basically greeting everyone present in the venue. But Sanskar presence by her side made it bearable as she spent those minutes observing him instead.

Sanskar seem to know all the names of his employees which fascinated Swara as she had often found her father whispering to her uncle the names of the person they were talking with ,her uncle believed that everyone should know him but never took the care to know them.

She didn't why she was comparing both of them when she already knew Sanskar was not like her uncle but she had wondered if he had a different approach with his employees and had been glad to find he was the same with everyone

Then the appetizers were brought in with the drinks. Sanskar opted for juice instead of Champagne ,all this small things seems to be her focus rather than everything else. But her eyes did took in the lovely venue. Her name was engraved in the walls by the use of rose petals with his name. There were few of her wedding pics in an slideshow on an giant screen. How did they get it this soon when she hasn't seen it amazed her.

She looked at her husband hoping to see if he had an idea about it while pointing towards the screen . He just whispered Lucky which was enough for her to understand the person who had been pulling the strings, Swara began to hope that the party would end soon and they can go back .

Her hopes crashed and burned when Ajay, Laksh personal assistant took the stage with a microphone, she had been introduced to him before but never realized that with a mic in his hand ,he was unstoppable. He kept talking and talking about them that half of the crowd almost fell asleep including her, she only listened when he talked about Sanskar because she had been curious about him and when he started to talk about her ,she would try to wait till it ends because the person who was mentioned in the speech wasnt her but rather Laksh version of her. And she began to wonder how her innocent cousin could fall for laksh romantic lines when it made her want to laugh for being too cheesy.

Yet again the only reprieve had been the fact, Sanskar was frustrated as well. She heard more than once the words " I am going to kill him" muttered by him ,since she stood beside him, she overheard those words and she let it slide not wanting to hurt him further by telling him that it was frustrating for her as well. Until Ajay began to recite poems about them and that was the last straw for Swara as well

" How about i punch him first , if you are going to kill him then can i punch him first ?" Swara spoke up as she glanced towards Sanskar who had been taken back by her words until he looked way too apologetic for his cousin continuous torture on her by his actions.

" I am sorry Swara, I clearly underestimated Laksh influence when he had his mind set on something, you can punch him all you want just as soon as this speech ends " Sanskar answered back which made her smile because talking with him made her forget that Ajay was at the moment singing praises about her when he hardly knew her.

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