Chapter 18:"Surprise Visitors"

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 Ragini knew when to keep her mouth shut and yet it had been quite impossible that night when her mother kept talking bad about Swara and Sanskar, she had claimed they disrespected her when Ragini knew well enough that her mother must have did something to get that reaction from them, and it would never work in ragini favor if she contradicted her .So she remained silent until her mother ran out of words. So the last thing Ragini needed that night was for Swara to come and check up on her .

  Swara walking in alone was sure way to become prey to her mother anger and as always Ragini had been helpless when her mother unleashed her fury on to her cousin. She had been too brutal tonight that Swara had been close to tears when she left the room and Ragini decided to feign sleep instead of waiting for her mother to leave the room, so she had been relieved when her mother left the room few minutes later and she heard the footsteps of her husband returning back.

" I should have never told her you were sick when she called " Laksh spoke up as he gathered her into his arms, they both have been surprised by their mother visit and decision to stay the night when she found out Swara was out, Ragini knew it was more to check on Swara than her but no matter how much she convinced her mother that she was fine and Laksh mom had taken care of her well enough, her mother insisted on staying behind.

   " You were trying to protect me " She spoke up because in truth Laksh had been indeed trying to keep her mom from talking to her in phone but they both didn't expect her to visit either ,she told him briefly about her mother being rude to Swara earlier and she had expected him to blame it on her for not saying a word in Swara defense but he didn't say so and only told her that she shouldn't worry about everything and take rest so she can get better faster , he told her and it warmed her heart that he had been concerned about her



Sanskar entered his room and found it empty without his wife, she had told him that she will check up on Ragini and he had hoped she would have returned back by now, he had to talk with his cousin about his manipulations and matchmaking tomorrow but not tonight when he would have been concerned about Ragini. So he spent an hour locked up in his office working.

 He freshened up and changed into his casuals and walked over to the couch and lied down on it,while waiting for Swara . He began to worry that Swara was being scolded for his words earlier, and yet he didnt feel it was his right to interfere not when Swara may assume he overstepped so he waited in their room instead .

And when she returned he noticed she was looking close to tears , at first she assumed he was sleeping so went and sat in the bed to cry silently so as not wake him ,but the moment he got up from the couch ,she stopped crying realising that he hasn't been sleeping .

" What happened now ? Did Ragini mom say something?" he asked for the couch not wanting to startle her further and waited for her to speak up .

"  Well nothing happened, " She had been quick with the excuse even though she knew he won't believe the lie .Yet he didn't know if asking her to talk about it would make her feel more  upset or if him letting it go will make her upset .In the end she made the decision on her own by speaking up again .

" Aunt always made her displeasure known with words ,so it didn't come as a surprise but it still hurt to be accused of trying to outshine Ragini when the thought never crossed my mind , as I said our family dynamic is complex  . I am just more concerned about Ragini that she would assume her mother was right " Swara spoke up ,he had understood there would be some conflicts when they all got married and lived in a same house and yet this problem didn't come with a solution of its own that he felt helpless.

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