Epilogue (1):"Happily Ever After Part One "

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Memories are the most important part of every human being, while no human being can remember every instance of their life, they will sure do remember the precious moment of their life or the saddest moment of their life. As time passes the details might fade away a little but it will always remain as a part of who you are and it can  never be completely forgotten . 

Most of our happiest memories will be around the time they spent with our family and friends, Sanskar Maheshwari is no different from others. And right now his whole life seems to be flashing before his eyes. His mind keep replaying all the moments he spend with the precious person who means the world to him. And right now his memory which was deemed always good by everyone is replaying all those precious moments to him. And how can it not when he was right there in the place where it all started. Most people might have lot of precious moments from their wedding, but for Sanskar and his wife Swara that was not the case, a forced wedding can never bring out a precious moments.

 But this is the place where he first talked openly with the person he got married too. An hospital is not an ideal place but that where there real journey began. From strangers they soon become  Friends . Then happened their honeymoon in New York a place which still holds lot of memories, a place where he realized that he loves his wife . And  how he can forget that one night where his wife took the first step to confess to him on his birthday while he had spend two birthday with his wife after that nothing can remotely come close to how happy he felt on that night. To hear her say that she loves him. And the week they spend in the Sang Saa islands still hold lot of precious memories as well. As that is the place where they finally took the final step in their relationship leaving no boundaries whatsoever between them. A place where they have finally become one in all sense, those passionate moments that they spend in the privacy of their Villa .  And so much more memories flashed before him, all those memories they have created in this past three years of their married life. But right now there was one such memory that keeps repeating itself. 


It was ten months earlier and he has been away on an business trip that he goes often, and while Swara still used to occasionally complain that she shouldn't have been married to a guy who is so busy even she began to finally accept the reality , that day he came back home early raced to his room hoping to see his dearest wife that he so very missed only to not find her in the room, then he continued searching the entire house till Sujatha has to remind that she is not at home . Swara who was totally unaware of her husband return came home a little later only to find him waiting .

After the initial surprise and warm greeting from his wife who was happy to see him back, he asked where she went and told her how worried he had been when he couldn't reach her. And that was when his wife told him something that changed his life drastically. 

" Sanskar how about you calm down a little and sit down with me on the bed for awhile. I need to say something important to you," his wife spoke up, as she made him sit beside her all the while still holding his hand.

" I just went to the hospital today, now no need to look so worried. I am totally fine, and I found out something so important that I want to share it with you first Well I have contemplated on how to say this a lot. But for us being straight forward always works. So Mr Sanskar Maheshwari , Stop being so busy from now on clear your schedule as your life is going to change upside down.  Because you are going to become a Father. " his wife continued to speak up as he waited in silence to hear those words that would alter the course of his life. 

 Sanskar still doesn't  clearly remember what he did because of the surprise factor, but Swara used to say he went a little crazy with happiness when he heard the news, he jumped up and down like a child, hugged her, kissed her and even lift her up and spin her around till he cant breath. And kept talking how much happy he was to hear it.        

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