Chp. 9 Promise?

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A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter is where you find out who the mystery person is. I won't tell you guys who he is but, there is a picture above of who he looks like. He is played by Cameron Dallas. Now, let's get on with the story! 👏🏼

I was confused on what got them all like this. Then a new, yet familiar voice rang through my ears, and gave me shivers.

"Hey baby girl, did you miss me?"

I knew that new voice was talking to me, so I turned around to see who that mysterious voice belonged to. Everything in the world stopped, and I couldn't take it much longer.

*Maya's POV*

I couldn't take it much longer. I ran up to him and jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Christen!" I cried.

He chuckled. "I guess that answers my question."

I had tears streaming down my face, as he hugged me back, holding me tight. Then I jumped off of him, and pushed him to the nearest wall, and clenched my fist with his shirt.

"Do you even know how long it was since the last time I saw you?!"

"I'm so sorry baby, I promise I will never leave you again." His voice soothed me, as he kissed on my face, making me feel better.

I sobbed into his shirt as I hugged him hard, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. As I got my senses back, I can see Riley loosing hers, and chuckled to myself.

"Go ahead Riley." I said, as I swiped away my tears.

"YYYAAAYYY!!" The next you know was that she crushed her body with his. It was a sight to see. Well for me. Lucas tried so hard not to go all jealous Lucas on him. Although next, Lucas gave him one of his 'bro hugs' as he tipped his fake hat.

The rest well...smackle, Vanessa, and zay looked confused, as josh looked a little lost and...hurt mixed with sad? I don't even know.

"Ok you guys are all probably wondering who the heck he is, I'll tell you guys everything over coffee." I said, referring to smackle, zay, Vanessa, and Josh.


"Ok." I said as I took a sip from my latte. "Let's start."

I invited everybody, because Riley doesn't really know half of it.

"I was 6 when this happened. Whenever my mom and dad got into one of their many fights, I usually go up to this roof thing-"

"To do what? Jump off, like its a cliff." Zay said, interrupting me with his big mouth. Vanessa smacked his arm, as he gave her a confused face.

"Yeah, no. Anyways, I used to go up to an abandoned roof, and think. It was like my safe place, to get away from all the fighting. It really helped. But one time, as I was going up to the roof, my jeans were stuck in chains of the ladder-"

"Wait what?! Maya, I forbid you to go up to that roof again." Josh scolded.

"For heavens sake, your not my dad josh! Stop treating me like a little kid!" I yelled.  After I said those word, I regretted it, because Josh's face softened.

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