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It's finally the end of the day, seventh period. Lily packs up after the bell ringing expecting Shakira and Meghan to be outside her classroom door as usual. Walking out they both turn their heads to you "your so slow your always the last one out! Come on!" Shakira grabbed one side of Lily's arm and pulled her down the hallway while Meghan stayed on the opposite side following.
"Oh my gosh you wouldn't believe what happened during sixth period! There's this new student who walked in and they're so cute! I was too shy to talk to them because..I don't know..-". Meghan interrupted "their?"
Shakira stopped. "Omg yes! I really couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, but assuming from their facial features I think it's a girl. Even their name was fit for both genders. Jordan."
Meghan kept on walking, lily and Shakira followed.  Walking down the stairs lily turned to Shakira ".. I'm sure you'll be good friends, do they play any sport?" Shakira thought about it. "Not that I know of.. she's pretty interesting maybe she'll even be my new pet~"
Shakira smiles at the thought of it. Meghan glances at her giving her an odd look.
Stepping out of the building we say our goodbyes. Shakira waves and walks off over to the car rider side while Meghan and I walk to the bus station going into different busses. "Today is a weird day...." lily says walking into the bus headed to her assigned seat.
After the bus drops her off she walks in ahead to her house searching the cars to see who's at home or not. "Oh, dad must have left somewhere I guess mom is cooking."
Opening the door she smells a fishy smell. Walking in the kitchen she see's her mom standing infront of the dishes washing sea food that's hard to tell from far away. Mom turned her head to check who came in "oh, hi lily! How was school sweetie?"
Lily walked into the living room to drop her backpack then went back into the kitchen. "It was okay, I missed the bus this morning so I had to run to school. Lily walked over to the sink wondering what food her mom had for her today.
"Oh lily! I'm cooking your favorite today! Baby octopus soup!"  Mom grabbed a plate and put all the food into it and walking over the stove. "This....this isn't helping.." lily thought to herself.
"Yay! Oh my gosh I haven't had this in a while!" Lily forcefully said.
Putting the lid on the pot Lily's mom took off her cooking gloves and faced lily. "Soooo..lily I got a call from your school today." Lily looked at her mom with worry.
"Yeah they said you passed out and wouldn't wake up?.. are you feeling alright?" Mom put her hand against Lily's forehead and cheeks.
"Ah, no mom I'm fine. I just.. umm skipped breakfast..and felt tired.."
Lily's mom gave her an unsure expression. Then touched Lily's face turning it left and right examining it. " do look a little pale.. you have lack of vegetables.. in that case I'll double the vegetables in the soup." Mom opened the fridge and grabbed tomato, cabbage, lemon, chilies peppers, and some other stuff. "Okay..this will do."
Lily rolled her eyes and left the kitchen, running up the stairs she cupped her hands before opening the door to her room and shouted, "call me when it's ready!"
Lily sighed a huge sigh before plopping down onto her bed gathering up the coolness of untouched bed sheets. Ah~ home sweet home.

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