Authors note, pls read

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((Hey guy I just wanted to say thank you for taking your time of day to read this story or any of my other stories, this one I have been working on the most because of my idea of... writing what I love the most.
Yes it's one of my top fetishes, no I don't own an octopus or wish to have one up my ass
It's the imagination and the idea of putting yourself as a character who has intercourse with one that counts.
The idea of having lily and her friend in my story was not planned at all I just wanted to draw some hentai then ended up doing this girl in her dream then waking up and going to school with her friends wishing something like that could happen
And now this story is getting deep in thought.
And I'm actually pretty proud of this.
Though yes I am aware that when you keep reading my detailing and writing skills are shitty, but that's because I'm doing it too fast. But as long as you understand what's going on, then I hope it won't be much of a problem.
I love the support y'all give me♥️ it gets me motivation to put more thought into this and make even more.

Thanks all so much for supporting me in this and liking it. It lets me know that I can do something successfully.
:,) please keep reading~
P.s. if ur confused about what's going on or want to add a comment to something please tell me. I'm trying my hardest to improve ))

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