No patience

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Authors note: IM B A C K. Omg I'm soooooo sorry to keep everyone waiting. I.....I lost motivation BUT IM BACKK. So like. Pls enjoy this I'm srry if it seemed rushed, My writing is still crap but like I said, as long as you understand what's going on there shouldn't be much of a problem :,) also I read everyone's comments I'm so glad y'all like it, I'll try to be more active~ if it wasn't for y'all I probably wouldn't have uploaded at all 😭 but thank you~ alright continue with the story~

Waking up to the sound of mumbles in the corner of my room woke me up, opening my eyes to nothing but pitch black...
"HOLY SHIT I GONE BLIND" my first thought was, I quickly sat up and touched my face.
Slowly moving my arms down to in front of me....I could see my hands?.....I moved the blankets..that I could clearly see to! My legs and bed......everything else that's supposed to be a wall or anything stuck on it is blank, including the floor....
Atleast im not blind..
Moving to the other side of the bed I looked down not daring to touch the floor.
"Ok...where the hell am I?"..I'm starting to think I'm in a dream again, I'm sure Meghan is behind but what is she trying to accomplish?..
"I'm glad you asked..." the doorway appeared making the walls floor, and objects in my room visible again. except it's still dark..a dark figure then appeared at the doorway.
"I see your awake.." it spoke in a womanly seductive voice, "how cute..rested well?"
...I couldn't make up the figure it was too dark, it looked as if it had a curvy body with a loose robe on.
"W-who are you."
The first thing that came to mind was nick, this is the exact voice I heard when he had changed his gender to seduce me.....this is most likely him!
"N-nick? Is that you?"
"Oh pity, you have figured it out.. now that you know I hope your a bit more comfortable.."
She stepped forward lightly touching my bed making her way to the side I'm on.
I slowly scooted back "I-I......"
"You don't have to say anything dear..I'll do the work after all~"
Chills went down my spine "nick...I don't know..."
"If your worried about the others don't worry, they don't know anything about this, I brought us here for this moment"
She seductively crawled on the bed getting closer to my body, the closer she was the better I could see her face and her enormous tits.
Holy shit.
"Nick..I-I already told you I'm not ready-"
She backed up.
"....back to square one much as you want to, you keep yourself from doing it, what's keeping you.."
I sighed.. "I don't know...I guess I just find it weird that I'll be doing it with you.....I have the whole package, tentacles, tits and a penis....everything I ever wanted..I just feel we're moving to fast with this...I don't know if I want to loose my virginity to this..I never had a boyfriend, let alone kissed anybody, and now I'm facing the one thing I always wanted..all so soon. It's scary it feels so fake.."
Tentacles slowly poured out of nicks back, gliding over to me, I grabbed one.
It was hot and had a sweet scent to it, like a rose but mixed with honey...
"Tell me..does this feel fake to you?..
When will you ever come across a moment like this?....
My face turned slightly red, I then slowly backing my hand away trying to avoid exactly what I think is about to go down in my head....all it is is just filled with negative thoughts, "this isn't right" I kept telling myself, trying to keep every second of my virginity long.
Nick sighed and pulled back. "I can't..... I can't do it without your verbal consent, as much as I'm willing to make this as slow and comfortable as I can for you, it seems not to be working.."
I turned my head away in shame but kept my eyes on him. Then brought my legs to my chest. "This is difficult" I said. "As much as I want to..I don't know why I'm exactly hesitating.. this is what I wanted...but I guess I wasn't to prepar-"
"Be aggressive." A small whisper came from across the room..
I looked up, before I could make up who it was exactly I felt a warm slimy  hard like cucumber get shoved down 12 inches down my throat. Startled, I quickly coughed it out looking up at nick who seems to have no expression, his tentacles then roughly grabbed my legs and spread them open. "Wait! I'm not r-". Another tentacle shoved down my throat but not as deep, my first guess was for it to shut me up.
Grabbing for the sides of my bed to keep me stable I then felt a sharp pain in my vagina, looking down it was nick's dick halfway inside of me, before I knew it he then immediately thrusted the rest inside making a bulge pop out from my stomach. Not able to say anything I teared up from the pain.

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