One day. But not today

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(Oof forgot to say this, but OKAY LOSERS IM BACK!!!! I hope I didn't take to long and I hope you enjoy this chapter!! The next one is coming soon  and oh boy, do I have something planned for u....ohhhh boy. Stay tuned~
Besitos 😘😘))

"Woah.....woah woah woaH...."
I panicked and blushed knowing exactly what he's trying to do. As I quickly tried getting up he leaned in closer
"Nick! Nick...buddy the wrong idea-"
Slowly putting his tentacles away he looked at me with confusion "is there something wrong?"
Getting up from the blanket I dusted myself off "Ah....this is happening way to should give me at-least a minute"
Nick rose up and stared down at me, then began to shape shift "oh I apologize, would you rather prefer a female figure?" Nick ran his hands from her knee up to her torso gently showing off the perfect shape.
I couldn't get my eyes off of it, holy shit those tits were perfect, and the thigh gap....I accidentally caught myself drooling a bit.
"I thought this is what you have wanted, didnt you mention you would like to start right away?"
He inches closer
"Well yeah..but-"
"Then what's keeping you?.. I do agree the more practice you get the better chance you have at staying alive..."
He then took a step back "but I suppose if you are not ready yet, we can always start another time..."
I grabbed for my heart.....
Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea...this is really my only chance to properly loose my virginity....and also the more practice the better....but to nick?..
My mind couldn't stop thinking all of the things that could go wrong.
My hand touched the top of my chest down to my thigh. Would it be worth it?.....I know I will gain so much from this but am I really ready to loose it to a plant...
Nick shapeshifters back into his male form snapping me back to reality. "Then I assume you aren't ready. I understand.. do not hesitate, human virginity is important after all."
My face went warm.
He's honestly just a gentleman trying to respect human culture as much as he can....maybe loosing it too him wouldn't so bad after all..
I quickly looked around then grabbed his hand and went inside my room through the window taking the blanket with me
"Okay look. I-I really want to do this..but I just I'm so nervous I barely know you a-and i know it's going to hurt" I looked up at him. "Atleast for the first time.....but I have been dreaming this for the longest I-i don't even know you if you find pleasure in any of this since you can reproduce by yourself........I mean...."
Nick suddenly pushed me up against the wall and held my face "of course I do...pleasure is for everybody, of course I always have my ways and you humans have yours, I don't mind doing a little experimenting....."
He took a deep breath "there's always a possible chance you can fertilize my eggs, even though I can do it myself I'd rather try you doing, though you aren't a male so it's kinda impossible..but what I do want to try is fertilizing yours"
No..nonononononononomomono that was so smooth I can't. Since when did aliens start flirting...I'm...
Nick took a step back and corrected his posture. "I'm just speaking my mind, I apologize if I was a little too straight forward."
"Ah..oh no not at all, i-i was just surprised.......aha..ehh..umm. That was good I'll give u credit for that..I was actually liking it, just being honest."
Nick nodded his head "I'm glad, then.."
He cornered me back into the wall
"Should we continue...."
I quickly looked away avoiding eye contact "ahh..second's actually getting pretty late maybe we should take a rest..."
Nick stood back up and took a step towards the window. "Alright, if you ever change your mind, I'll be right outside."
As I watched him open the window there was a shadowy figure taking place right infront of it, I waited till he opened it.
"AHH! That sucked!! Nick you could've done better than that! I told you she likes aggressive! Don't give up that quickly!"
Meghan jumped from out the window to inside my room.
She glared at me.
"And you! I thought you wanted this, I tried giving you a the chance and you turned it down!"
Veronica followed her from outside to inside my room.
Meghan crossed her arms, Veronica attempted to do the same.
"What a shame, perfect time gone to waist." Meghan sighed.
I pouted "you were planning this the whole time!? This whole scene was a skit!?"
Meghan laughed "what he said earlier wasn't part of the plan, you asked he answered..and he was doing a pretty darn good job of that too" she glanced over at nick, who had no expression.
Veronica lightly punched his arm.
"But, I did see how you looked at his female figure, I see you took an interest in that." Meghan then leaned in close to me pinning me back at the wall, she took a finger and lowered the top of her shirt revealing her cleavage. "I never thought you'd like stuff like this too, we could've had this situation done long ago" she winked at me.
Oh god she winked at me. What the hell is wrong with her, seducing me...I tried to avoid looking at her cleavage.
"Well it's not going to work" I turned and walked a few steps back.
"Is not interested in females, like that...and also I was just overwhelmed the whole time so...."
Veronica spoke up. "So what, you said you wanted this and we're giving it to you, now your rejecting..."
I glared at her. "I did but not this way, I wasn't comfortable at all.........."
I took a pause thinking about it....I actually was turned on but I won't admit it.
"It wa just too overwhelming, and nick and I already settled we can start on another time..I just had second thoughts.."
Veronica rolled her eyes "whatever"
Meghan and nick both looked at each other and shrugged "then..I guess we'll give you more time.."
Meghan headed towards the window. "Remember, we will do it anytime you'd if you hesitate think about it harder and think why it's so important to do this.."
Before saying anything she signaled the others to follow her out the window then closed it.

I took a deep breath before flopping onto my bed and rubbing my eyes. "Ugh......"
I gently squeezed my bottom half together and rubbed it checking if I really was turned on by it.... I was...if nick maybe had a little more emotion and maybe looked more human maybe I wouldn't have stopped him...
the idea of it wasn't bad......though one of these days I'm gonna have to suck it up and do it, for my life's sake..

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