[MYSTERY] DISGUISED by ShelleyBurbank

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DISGUISED by ShelleyBurbank

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DISGUISED by ShelleyBurbank

"Mason Falwell copied my manuscript and sold it!"

Olivia Lively is a private investigator hot on the trail of truth, love, fashion, and the perfect shade of red lipstick. When Liv is hired by graduate writing student, Cooper Tedeschi, to help him prove that his professor, well-known novelist Mason Falwell, stole and sold Cooper's manuscript as his own, she finds herself embroiled in the surprisingly cut-throat world of academia.

While she's a smart detective, Liv hasn't always been so brilliant about her personal life. Following an ill-advised affair with a married man who was also a client (yikes!), Liv decides to take a break from romance for awhile. That includes tempting Jasper Temple, aka Dr. Hunky, to whom Liv's intrusive socialite mother is determined to marry her off. When it comes to love and plagiarism, where do you draw the line?

- The horrors of plagiarism, as writers, we're all too aware of, and she manages to weave a mystery of a small-time aspiring writer having his work stolen and then discredited with the rise and fall of a great published author. The twists and turns kept me guessing every time! (KatrinHollister)

- What a wonderful book this is! A lovable heroine, a plot full of twists and turns and things to keep you guessing, people trapped into poor judgments by lousy situations, and one genuine evil slimeball who you'll love to hate. In my view, this ought to be the first of a multi-book series - I would read them all! (MarkAshWood)

- Loved this! Twists, turns, mystery, hot men, a relatable heroine and well-rounded characters. Kept me turning the pages well past my bedtime, lol. Definitely recommend (Rather_Be_A_Unicorn)

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