[HORROR] SWALLOW by Pixee_Styx

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SWALLOW by Pixee_Styx

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SWALLOW by Pixee_Styx

Swallow doesn't hold back. If you like gore, monsters, and psychological scares, this is for you!

Mildred is a meek high school student who suffers bullying from peers and neglect from parents and authority figures. Finally, she has had enough. In an unhinged moment, she seeks vengeance in dark magic, unwittingly opening herself to a dreadful demonic possession. Suddenly, she's gaining all the good qualities she desires. The only problem is that she steals them from her bullies...by consuming them. The demon inside her is on a mission to make Mildred perfect by eating one bully at a time.

- Creepy and fast-paced, with a storyline that truly makes you feel bad for the protagonist. (Ben Norman from Wattpad's Squad, BennyBedlam)

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