[MYSTERY] THE SURGEON by WhispersConfusions

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THE SURGEON by WhispersConfusions

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THE SURGEON by WhispersConfusions

Forensic analyst Bo Austen picks up a job at a police department in Minnesota, his own attempt at leaving behind Kathy Baker, Dallas Silver, Jamal Pitman, and the mess that comes with the three.

Day one of the job reveals two missing girls and a dead body. No M.O. is apparent, but Bo enjoys being able to work on a case that gives him a challenge. He loves the small details, using those details to make a connection between murders and bodies, create a timeline of the kidnappings and the killings.

Working in California and alongside Detective Kathy Baker, he thinks he has seen it all. That all changes when he meets The Surgeon.

- I love it, it's intellectual and amazing. The author is amazing and kind. The characters come to life with her words, Bo is by far the most lovable and related character I've ever read about. You can't count the times she made me cry because of Bo. Jacob is another character, lovable as well. Both of them are great and by far.. Whoops that would be kind of a spoiler. Just know he is kind and great and loving and deserves alot, so does Bo and the author. There are also lovabke characters like Bridge(well I had confused feeling about her), Alice, Kathy, Dallas-- TOO MUCH LOVEE. The murders are impressive, the writing is spledid. I love it when we go into Bo's mind! Jacob agrees. He's a forensic analyst and every word he says just leaves me with my mouth open, he's the smartest person in the world, 700 something iq. He wants to be normal, he'd do anything to be normal when everyone else strives to be different, he's stubborn, clever, and human.

Also, there is this thing with authors, there are these special phrases they use. In this, it is raking through hair and lifting the corner of mouths. And she uses italics to specify stuff, like, "You should go."

I don't know, I just wanted to comment that because it's interesting.

10/10 would read again and I suggest it and I love it. (BaskyNH)

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