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WHAT GOES AROUND by nicolleshield

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WHAT GOES AROUND by nicolleshield

Sequel to Just Keep Running. Lenni has finally found some stability in her life. But just as she begins to settle down, it seems that everyone around her is falling apart. Can Lenni hold everyone together, or is this the end of the Bulldogs as we know them?

- Another in the Bulldogs MC series. Compelling story featuring the same characters as Just Keep Running. Lenni is the feisty heroine, and takes a runaway under her wing. One of the club members is left seriously injured by a rival club. The story is written in Nicolle Shield's impactful style, the characters are complex and well-rounded; the dialogue and interactions between characters are written with feeling; the story carries you along with them throughout. These are characters you can really care about. (MarkAshWood)

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