Chapter 22

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Lizzy's Pov 

Phillip and I made our way back towards the beach, towards the wedding. He was talking, no rambling about anything and everything. So I kind of knew there was something he wanted to talk about but didn't know how to talk about it.  

Though I was quite curious to see what he wanted to talk about, I did not want to press after all I had not only my own things I needed to tell him but there was a bigger situation at hand today. So ours can wait just a few more hours. 

As we came closer and closer to the set up, everything seemed to be exactly right. People were taking their seats, W.D had just arrived which meant Alisa was not far off. I still felt a bit uneasy from meeting that women, Audrey. 

Well not a bit, a lot. I mean who does that? Hi, you don't know me but I know that you are my long lost daughter who was stolen from me as a baby. Seriously?!?

And the worse part is, I can't tell if I believe her or not. I thought I would, by I kept debating myself as we walked back along the beach. I don't know if I'm crazy or not.  I shook off the feeling, or tried to at least, when Barnum walked up to Phillip and myself. 

"Sorry to interrupt but Countess Adele has just arrived but the sand is to soft for her to walk on." He explained as I glanced over to see Charity and the girls helping her find her seat in the front row. Her feet seemed to slip on every grain of sand. She would never be able to walk Ailsa down the aisle, or make-shift aisle.  Anne walked over to join us as soon as I gave her the look, the one that we both know when the other does it, something is up. 

"What's happening?" She asked casually, trying not to draw too much attention from those around us. 

"Countess Adele can't walk down Ailsa down the aisle, meaning there is nobody to give her away." Phillip quickly summed up. No not summed up, that was the whole situation.

"Then why doesn't Barnum just walk Ailsa down the aisle?" Anne questioned, with that why didn't you guys think of that tone she some how manage to get perfectly down pact. 

"Then who would officiate the ceremony?" Barnum inquired back, all of us looked to Anne.

"No, No, No. I'm sorry but speaking in front of people is not my thing. Also I would have no idea what to say." 

A few moments of silence skipped over the group before Phillip spoke. 

"Lizzy can do it." He announced proudly. 

"Wait, what?" I quickly shot back but it was too late, everybody had already agreed. Barnum walked off to go wait for Ailsa and Anne quickly made her way over to W.D to tell him what was happening. Leaving me and Phillip. 

"Phillip!" I whisper yelled, "I have no idea what to say!" I said quietly. 

"You'll know exactly what to say Lizzy, you always do." And with that he gave me a kiss on the forehead before going to help W.D with the final touches. And I don't know if I should be mad that he threw me into the deep end or touched by what he said. Probably a little bit of both. Not so much on the mad part though. 

I took a deep breath and walked over to stand between where W.D was standing and Ailsa was about to be. 

The violins started to play a soft medley, corresponding with the waves around them perfectly as Anne, Helen, Caroline, Cassie and Charity all walked down the aisle. They all wore different coloured dresses but it managed to form nicely as they streamed into one line. Everyone rose as they saw Barnum and Ailsa. Ailsa was beautiful. Not that she wasn't beautiful every other day, she looked beautifuller. But not fuller, I mean more beautiful. 


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I couldn't help but smile to see W.D's jaw drop ever so slightly, and the girls to gasp as they saw Ailsa. Phillip must of noticed W.D as well because he gave him a small nudge to which W.D jaw fixated itself into a grin. Ailsa thanked Barnum before joining W.D. The music stopped and it was my turn. 

"I would like to keep this somewhat short and simple. When your soul meets the soul it was waiting for, When someone walks into your heart through open doors, when your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold; don't ever let go. 

I know that Ailsa and W.D are meant to be soulmates, best friends, husband and wife. They love each other the same way the sky lives and the same way a star dies. 



And without limitation.

So it is with the greatest honour that I get to do this today. Ailsa do you take William Daniel, W.D,  to be your husband?" 

"I absolutely do." She said with the biggest grin. 

"And do you W.D  take Ailsa to be your wife?" 

"With out a doubt in my mind, I do." 

"Then I am pleased to announce that you are now husband and wife. You.." I didn't even get to finish before Ailsa kissed W.D. I couldn't help but laugh because I felt so awkward standing behind them so I causally moved to the side towards Phillip. 

"Nice speech." He whispered to me as we clapped W.D and Ailsa as the walked down the aisle together. "Though it didn't seem you were talking to them? So who were you talking to Elizabeth?" 

"I have no idea what you are talking about Phillip Carlyle." I said playfully, pressing my lips up against his quickly. "Come on, we need to pack this all up before we go to Barnum's." I say as I moved away, leaving him there to shake his head twice before running up to catch up to me. 

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