Chapter 26

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Phillip's Pov 

Lizzy held onto my hand tightly. Fingers intertwined and all. She was sunken into the chair, head perched on hand. Something had struck a chord in her, well not something. Anne struck a chord. It was obvious to everybody that Anne and Lizzy were basically sisters, and that their connection was extremely strong. 

Everybody was basically a nervous wreck. All waiting to hear from Charity about Anne. W.D was a mess, truly a mess. It was just like at the fire at the circus, his face when he saw that Lizzy wasn't with us at the time. Ailsa comforted him, attempted to at least. She rested her hand on W.D's shoulder to which he held. Barnum was explaining to James Wick about what had happened. I met him earlier this evening. He was an engineer that had decided to join us so as to help build things for the shows and make sure everything was safe to perform on and that there was nothing that could be improved. 

The clap of the door opening and shutting drew everyone's attention to Charity. Her hair was stuck to her face and spare bandages seem to almost roll out of her pocket. She stood their for a couple of moments before Ailsa spoke on behalf of us all. 

"How is she?" 

The question that everyone had been dreading. To answer it, it means that it all really happened. And I don't think that we want to tell ourselves that it is true yet. 

"She's well and alive, and she had kept the leg.", Charity began, "However, the bullet seems to have effect many nerves in the lower part of her left leg which has resulted in Anne being unable to feel and therefore use her leg from below the knee." 

"Is she up for any visitors at the moment?" Lizzy asked hopefully, but Charity shook her head, telling us that Anne would be staying with them for the night and that we are more than welcome to come see her tomorrow. 

Everybody seem to clear out of the room reluctantly, W.D holding his place for a few fleeting moments before giving in and leaving the room. 

"You are all welcome to stay the night, we have plenty of blankets and places for everyone to sleep." Barnum told all of us. James Wick was already staying here in the guest bedroom until he found a place for himself in the city. W.D thought about it for a while but I think he decided that his first night married to Ailsa, they should be at what they now called home. 

I already knew that Lizzy wanted to stay over here tonight even though she told me that she was fine going home. I know her and when she says she fine, she tends not to be. Barnum took us to the other guest bedroom on the other side of the house.  The moment Lizzy found the bed, she was on it and fast asleep. I have no idea what happened at the beach earlier today, but this and that seemed to just completely tire her out.

The thing that keep bugging me though, is the fact that Anne wanted to tell Lizzy and I something. That's why we were out there in the first place. Something was wrong and Anne needed to tell s at that very moment, so obviously it was something important. 

And all in all, nothing is coming together as it should. Something is going on, something else big.  I just can't tell what yet. 

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