Chapter 33

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Lizzy's Pov 

The sound of horses was fading and when Phillip looked at me, we both knew something wasn't right. The only people who were meant to leave were myself and Phillip, Barnum and Charity as well as Anne. Barnum and Charity had left a while ago, they needed to go sort something out with Charity's parents. And Anne was walking with Hannah along the beach.

As Phillip and I came closer to the door, we could hear a small voice shouting for her parents as she sobbed. Phillip and I ran in the moment we heard it. 

"Caroline?" I yelled out, trying to figure out where the sobs were echoing from. 

"Lizzy?" A broken voice sounded the slightest bit hopeful. "I'm in the kitchen." Caroline cried out. I moved ahead of Phillip as we came into the kitchen. I almost wished I didn't. It Caroline's arms laid a still Helen; her hair sprawled out across Caroline's lap and her hand grasping at a pastry that was off to the side. Phillip intervened from Caroline and quickly picked Caroline up, resting her head of his shoulder. 

"She's still breathing." He said with a sigh of relief. "We need to get her to a hospital though, get whatever was in that," He gestured to the pastry, "out of her system". 

I held a crying Caroline, her tears flowed into the skirt of my dress unceasingly, hands clutching at the fabric. "We'll take the horses, you take Helen and I've got Caroline." Phillip just nodded and we took too the horses as fast as we possibly could. I left a note for Barnum and Charity, I didn't exactly know what to write, I mean Hey, we are at the hospital with your youngest daughter who seems to be poisoned  didn't seem to go so well in my head.  So I just wrote that they need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. 

Phillip lead with the horse, letting  it gallop as he held onto Helen while I rode with Caroline gripping onto the horses mane. I keep telling her that it will be okay. Part of me wanted to believe that too.


The swarm of fluster doctors emerged in the brightly lit hospital as they place Helen on a stretcher straight away. They wouldn't let Phillip and I go any further than the sitting room because we were not her parents. Time began to dissolve into its self as we waited, becoming as  shapeless as rain. Caroline sat on my lap as I played with her hair, trying to keep her mind away from it all. 

Barnum and Charity burst through the doors and Caroline ran right up to them. They were pale, well paler, when they realized who wasn't with us. The nurses took Barnum, Charity, Caroline and Phillip through (after Barnum told the nurse that Phillip was family as well to see Helen. Phillip going primarily to explain what had happened. I didn't go. I need fresh air, some time away from this just briefly. 

Walking into the street, I took a deep breathe. Letting the air fill my lungs and supress another cry. I looked back at the hospital, letting my heart fill with guilt as I could feel the burden filling in my pocket. The note. The one that was attached to the box of pastries. The one that was addressed to me. Making this all my fault. I let a single tear roll down my cheek before walking back into the hospital. 

A/N _> Sorry about the chapter, i'm about to go out with some friends but I wanted to upload first. There will be answers to (Most) questions in the next few chapters.  

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