Chapter 58

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Lizzy's Pov 

My brows furrowed, forehead wrinkling with worry, as i tried to make out the figure that was walking towards me. Sure I could hear his voice just fine, yet i still couldn't process that he was here now. The sound of  his small run towards the bed echoed around the room. His fingers etched around my back ,as if I was a piece of fragile china, slowly helping me back up into a sitting position. I didn't even realize that I had sunken back down into the bed. 

He didn't say anything. Just looked at me, all of me that he could see and there was a cluster of both relief and worry to his look. But it somehow just melted into joy as soon as my rough hand managed to find its way to his cheek. Feeling his skin underneath my hand, reminding me that I was alive. And that I was safe. 

He was safe. 

We were safe. No. We are safe. 

The gleam of tears overwhelmed me as I embraced him. Feeling his heartbeat. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, as best as I could, not wanting the moment to end.

"You're really here," I somewhat managed to breathe out despite my betraying voice. Small streams of tears patterned themselves along my cheeks but it was finally good to breathe again. His hand slowly stroked my hair as I just held onto him. Just to know that he was there, he was real. 

"Everyone is; Cassie, Thomas, W.D and Ailsa, Barnum. Everyone is here, because of you." Phillip spoke softly, still holding onto my amrs with the lightest of grips to ensure I wouldnt fall backwards.   

"I didn't do anything," I managed to say, "and I mean you were there too". 

His eyes glimmered with something unknown, maybe suspicion. Doubt? Uncertainty perhaps?

But nevertheless he continued. 

"I was, but you not only held out on all of us, you helped us win." I'm sure by know he could tell I was pretty confused and I think Charity still had me on a lot of medication.  "You give us hope Lizzy. Everyone he is inspired by you. You inspire me everyday. We wouldn't e able to do any of this without you."

And for once I think I couldn't find anything to say in reply. Phillip's arms just wrapped around me once more as I felt the tears run consistently. All the emotions, all the pain. All of it. But I think he has it the wrong way around. He inspires me. 

I don't tell him just yet as I just want one moment of pure calmness. So I just fall into his warm embrace and let my head fall onto his shoulder. 

"I love you." I hear myself whisper between our heart beats. 

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